Page 21 of Forgotten Embers
The smile Wren wore was not forced. “It is good to meet you, Lady Daugherty. Excuse me for saying so, but your hair is the most remarkable color.” Normally, Wren would have felt embarrassed at such a bold statement, but her heart felt light tonight.
In truth, Lady Daugherty’s hair was beautiful, it was a sort of gray silver that Wren had never seen before and unique for one so young.
If Lady Daugherty took offense to her compliment she did not show it. “Thank you, Princess. I must give all the credit to my late husband and my daughter for the fading of my hair. You know it used to be quite red.” She spoke with such fondness that it warmed Wren.
“I think it must be lovelier now than back then, a symbol of a life well lived, though you are still so young.”
Lady Daugherty laughed at that and squeezed her hand fondly.
“That did not take long, Lady Daugherty.” Malaki was beside them in an instant, and though his words seemed irritated, she saw only good humor in his eyes as he looked between them.
Bowing, Lady Daugherty said, “Indeed, I would rather like to keep her to myself, she is quite good company. As you know, that is something to be treasured.” She moved her hand which had been still holding Wren’s and placed it in Malaki’s.
To her surprise, Malaki held her hand briefly before dropping it and moved closer to her, putting his hand against the small of her back. She nearly laughed at the affectionate gesture, realizing he was putting on quite the show.
Lady Daugherty seemed to be buying into his act, as she smiled warmly between them both. “I will permit you to do your obligatory greetings and introductions, but please return her to me before too long.”
“You know I could never refuse you, Lady Daugherty.” Malaki’s voice was warm and teasing and Wren couldn’t help but feel as if she had found a new version of the prince.
She quickly learned that it was indeed the same prince she had previously known as the affection he had shown Lady Daugherty was quickly replaced by a cool and confident prince with the other guests. He did not leave her side the rest of the evening as she met the people of his court. They all regarded her with deep curiosity, and if they began to ask too many questions, the prince quickly excused them from the conversation and moved to the next guest.
As she continued to mingle, the effects of the wine began to fall away from her and her exhaustion seemed to fall heavy on her shoulders. Greeting what seemed like the millionth guest, she could not hold back the yawn that escaped her. Malaki considered her briefly, but did not reprimand her lack of decorum.
An older man with graying hair bowed before them. “Your Highnesses, I am so pleased to finally be able to speak to you.”
“I regret, Lord Bamberly, that we must retire now. I am quite weary after such a wonderful evening. I hope you understand.” The prince smiled at the gentlemen who quickly agreed that it was absolutely understandable.
Malaki offered her his arm and escorted her out of the hall through the main doors. It took only seconds after the guards closed the doors for Wren to realize her ears were ringing from the constant music and noise. As they moved away from the hall and away from their guests, Malaki dropped her hand.
He did not say anything to her as they walked down the long hallways that twisted and turned till Wren’s head was spinning. She looked behind her, realizing there were no guards following them. So it was just for her the guards had been present; she should have expected that.
The silence was becoming more palpable, and her feet were aching in her heels. She wanted so much to remove them, but continued on. Turning down the next hallway, a chill lit her bones as she realized where he was taking her. She stopped abruptly and the prince took a few more steps before noticing her hesitancy.
“This isn’t the way to my room,” she said dumbly.
He heaved a sigh as if this was all very taxing on him. “Now that you have been introduced to the court, my father insisted that you be moved to the rooms adjacent to mine as is tradition. There is a door and you will not be bothered by me.”
He gestured his arm forward as if to ask her if she was ready to continue. She nodded, eager to be alone even though her heart beat too quickly despite his promise to leave her be. As he had said, the next set of doors were similar and only a few paces from his door. He knocked on the door once.
“You did very well tonight, Wren.”
Surprise made her peer up at him, but she found his eyes cold as he faced the door. The door opened and Sophie’s eyes darted between them.
“Make sure she drinks water, and have her take one of the medicinal droughts before bed.” He turned towards his room and disappeared through the doors, leaving Wren to wonder who the prince really was.
Chapter 9
Thenextmorning,Wrencursed the light that came in through her window and wished she had the strength or willpower to get out of the bed to close the curtains. Her head pounded and she put the pillow over her head to shield it from the light.
She heard the lock on the door click and she opened her mouth to curse whoever was disturbing her, but when she popped her head above the blanket, Sophie threw back her head and let out a boisterous laugh. With a dramatic growl, Wren threw a pillow that came up short in hitting its intended target and having given up Wren decided to go back to hiding under her pillow.
“Settling into our role as princess nicely, I see. Good morning, Your Highness.” Sophie gave a mock bow and strode farther into the room as if she owned it.
“The curtains, Sophie. Please,” Wren pleaded.
Sophie only shook her head at her. “Princesses don’t exactly get to lounge in bed all day, Your Highness. You have obligations.”
“I detest you and this whole, ridiculous kingdom.”