Page 10 of Innocent
Chapter Seven
“It’s the Virgin Mary,” Kate jokes as she sits across from me at the library counter. She and Ann are both staring at me with wild eyes like I have a story to tell, but I don’t.
“Ha. Ha. Not funny.” I scan another book into the library from the return bin and slide it up onto the shelf.
“Well, you did set your Lose-It-Date to December 24.”
“I think the Virgin Mary had some kind of miracle immaculate conception. She didn’t sign up for a website to lose her virginity on Christmas Eve.” I laugh, though it’s caught in my throat, so it sounds sarcastic. “You guys are sick. Besides, I think that’s sac-religious or something. Get help. It’s Christmas.”
Ann laughs. “Don’t judge. The truth is, I’m just as desperate for a cherry pop. Besides, I wouldn’t mind all that cash you’re getting from it. What’s it up to now?”
I roll my eyes. “It’s ridiculous. There are two guys bidding each other up. It was at twenty-seven thousand last I looked.”
Kate gasps and takes a sip of her iced peppermint coffee. “That’s more than I’ve ever seen anyone go for.”
“Well, I’m feeling kind of dumb about the whole thing. I might even pull the listing.”
“What?” Kate gasps. “You can’t! That’ll pay for your last semester of college and give you enough to put a down payment on a cabin of your own.You need a place of your own, Janie.Your mom is great, but… I think you’ve reached a natural conclusion to life in your childhood bedroom. What changed your mind? You were so sure.”
I shrug. “I don’t know. I’m starting to think I should save it for someone special again.” If I had my choice, that someone special would be Huck, but I promised myself yesterday that I was done with thoughts about him. I’m turning a new leaf.
“Did you meet someone?” Ann twists her golden hair around her index finger.
I close my eyes and shake my head. “No. I’m just being hopeful, I guess. Either way, I’m probably roped into it. The listing expires in five minutes and truthfully, the money will be good for everyone involved. I know my mom needs a few things fixed around the house and I have college to pay for and yes… a cabin of my own would be nice.”
“Plus,” Kate sets her coffee mug onto the counter, “you get to take control. You’re not waiting around for some guy. You’re in the driver’s seat. Where do you meet the lucky winner, anyway?”
“Mountain View Lodge. The same place as the Christmas Eve party tonight.” I roll my eyes. “It’s weird, but also kind of good. Everyone in town will be there so if anything goes wrong, there will be a load of witnesses. Plus, I asked Bo to watch out for me.”
“Bo, the seven-foot lumberjack who doesn’t talk to anyone?” Ann laughs. “What did you tell him? Does he know about the website?”
I shake my head. “God no! I told him I had a blind date. I offered him money, but he insisted he’d do it for a dozen of my mom’s sugar cookies. He’s going to stand on the street near the hotel and wait for my messages. I’m sure everything will be fine. I mean the guy is vetted through the website, but just in case.”
“That’s cool. So, you hired a pimp for your cherry popping with a canister of your mom’s Christmas cookies. That couldn’t be more poetic.” Ann laughs. “Tis the season!”
“Maybe he’s some billionaire who gets off on deflowering virgins.” Ann twists her cup in circles gently, aerating the sweet scent of whatever latte she’s been sipping.
“Well, he obviously gets off on the deflowering thing, billionaire or not,” I retort, swallowing down the anxiety this conversation is causing.
“Maybe he’ll tie you up or make you run so he can chase you.” Kate runs her hands through her chocolate brown hair. “That’s what rich people like, right? Something kinky and exciting?”
“Well, he’s going to be severely disappointed then. I don’t even know what to do with my body. I mean, I’ve seen people online and stuff but I don’t know… I feel like I’m going to freak out and do something stupid and he’ll want his money back.”
Kate shakes her head and swallows down another hard sip of her coffee. “Nope. Sorry… no refunds. You pay to play, the end. What’s your bidding up to now?”
I look down at my phone and my chest tightens. “One minute left, and someone called LochNessCock is in first place.”
Ann bursts into laughter. “LochNessCock? What the hell does that mean? Is his cock magical? Does it disappear? Has no one ever seen it in real life? Has it been photographed by Scottish tourists and debunked by internet skeptics? Is it huge and crooked? Are you going to have to drain the pond to see it?”
I can’t help but laugh. I love the way Ann can make the most serious things light. “It doesn’t matter. I’m not meeting LochNessCock. I’m meeting Mr. Claus. Well, as long as he transfers half the money into my account before tonight.”
“Mr. Claus?” Ann laughs. “That’s even worse. Does he show up with a big red sack? Is he going to make you clean out his chimney? Is he going to fill your stockings with care?”
I don’t laugh as hard this time. Instead, I hold my hand over my stomach, willing the acid to stay put. The only man I want touching me can never touch me again. Maybe this is the first step to moving on. Or maybe, this is the biggest mistake I’ll ever make. Either way,The Virgin Mary, is about to lose her lunch.
Chapter Eight