Page 11 of His Toy
“I figured that out already Brooke.”
“No you haven’t, not really. I gave blowjobs and let a few guys fuck my ass in order to get away from there and out here. After I was here, I got a job until I started at the college. I didn’t really date any because I was too worried that someone would find out the truth.”
“You told me though.”
“To let you see why I couldn’t risk taking a real job. Yes, I let guys fuck my ass in exchange for this or that but that was it and not nearly as many as you’d think.”
“Brooke,” he said studying her closely, her words replaying in his mind. “You said you let them fuck your ass, not fuck you just your ass.”
“They weren’t interested in the other side; they could get that anywhere.”
“Shit baby, you were so tight…please tell me…you weren’t…” He couldn’t begin to wrap his brain around the idea. Part of him was ecstatic thinking it was possible but knowing how he took her, treated her…that didn’t fucking sit right if it were true.
“Technically you were the first cock in that hole,” she admitted pulling a low groan from him.
“Jesus Christ Brooke, you should have warned me. I barreled in without thinking.”
“It didn’t hurt…at least not in a bad way so it’s fine. I just thought you should know that while I might act like it, I’m really not one.”
“Warm up the dinner while I go stick my cock in a bucket of ice water,” he said giving her a kiss.
“You don’t want to use me anymore?”
“I do more than ever now, but you need to eat, you haven’t since sometime Friday.”
“Technically Thursday.”
“What?” he said, stopping his movements as her words hit him straight in the gut.
“I don’t have a meal plan at school anymore…it’s fine,” she stated when he let out a grumble.
“No, it’s not, you’re too skinny.” He loved the curves of her breasts and ass, but he wasn’t as big of a fan of her slimness elsewhere. He liked a bit of meat to hold onto and didn’t want to worry about her being hurt when he took her going forward. “I’m going to take care of you from now on though. I’ll make sure you have somewhere to live, food to eat, and clothes to wear. You’ll like it.”
“So, you’re going to try and turn me into a whore whether I agree or not?” she asked, her eyes darkening a bit and he cupped her head with his hand, his thumb brushing gently against her cheek.
“No, I’m going to take care of you because you deserve for someone to look after you, put you first. I’m going to fuck you because you want me to, and I can’t resist doing it. I will never treat you as a whore, make you feel like one. I will never let anyone else treat you that way either.”
“Because I’ve never met anyone who could intrigue me the way you have, you’re sweet and sexy as hell. Brilliant beyond words and the most amazing fuck I’ve ever had and I’ve had plenty of them Brooke.”
“So that makes you want to take care of me? It’s insane Neil. I can understand you wanting to screw me but the rest? I mean, paying for my apartment, my bills…I don’t think I can do it.”
“Do what? Let me pay for you to live there? Fine then, I’ll pay to break the lease and you can move in here where you won’t have any bills. Then I’m not paying for you to live somewhere and you can pay me back later. You can use what’s left over from your scholarship and grants to pay for your meal program if it makes you feel better.”
“And what happens a couple weeks…month or so from now when you’re bored with me? Where do I go then?” she asked, making his jaw tighten at the thought of her being away from him, being done with them.
Like hell was that going to happen. She was his. She just didn’t know it yet. He simply didn’t think she’d understand if he said so to her right now. “If we both decide that this has run its course then I’ll make sure you have somewhere to stay that you can afford without putting your scholarship at risk. For now we eat and then we fuck until it’s time for me to take you by your place in the morning.”
“What about the school? If they find out…”
“They won’t,” he said calming her fears. “I’m not going to tell anyone and you’re not going to tell anyone so there’s no worries there. Even if the school would find out, I’d be the one to take the heat, not you. If it came down to it, I’d tell them I made you sleep with me, so you have nothing to fear by being with me, Brooke.”
“And what about other people?” she asked making him fight the wave of jealousy of the thought of her with someone else, her wanting someone else.
“What about them? Am I fucking anyone else? No. Do I plan on it? No. You’re going to have my undivided attention for the next however long.”
“Okay…let me reheat this,” Brooke said grabbing the pan as she turned the stove onto a medium-low. She added a tiny bit of water and let it work its way through the mixture, keeping it moist until it was warm. She dished it out between two plates and sat down across from him watching as he lifted a forkful to his mouth.