Page 12 of His Toy
“This is amazing Brooke.”
“Thanks, the cook at home taught me. I wasn’t allowed to do anything and technically I wasn’t allowed in the kitchen but my mother never went in there so it was safe.”
“No yelling or screaming at me to behave or be quiet,” she admitted, hoping it wouldn’t send him away from her. “Neither of them wanted me but they wouldn’t let me do anything because even when I was little, they saw what I looked like.”
“I’m sorry Brooke. It’s their loss though because you’re amazing,” he said slipping a strand of hair behind her ear. “Truly amazing at everything but especially fucking, baby.”
“You just want to use me,” she countered with a grin as she leaned over to kiss him, “but I like it.”
“So do I,” he stated as he finished the meal then carried her back up the stairs to the bedroom where he showed her over and over how much he enjoyed using her.
Chapter 4
“Hmm?” she sighed turning over feeling the hard cock pressing against her ass. She moved her hands down towards it and stroked him as she smiled.
Neil groaned as she began to bring him fully alive. “Baby, yes I want that but…we need to talk first.”
“About what?” she asked letting her hand stall around his cock. It was hard as could be so she didn’t think he was finished with them already. Sure, it’d been longer than she’d thought it’d last but they weren’t slowing down any, and she was glad for that. She wanted to be with him as long as possible—and not simply to have somewhere to stay that she didn’t have to pay for.
“Your ideas for my brothers…they need some more help because this deal isn’t going well without you guiding them through it.”
“Seriously?” she said a bit in relief and a bit in surprise. “You want me to help them when the entire reason we got together was to keep me from that?”
“I know you don’t want your family finding out where you are but…what if I could get you a glance at what’s going on with them? You could help them out that way,” he suggested.
“And let them figure out that I’m screwing you to stop from getting screwed over?”
“That’s not what this is about and you know it Brooke.”
“No? So, you’re saying you have feelings for me other than wanting to fuck my brains out?” she asked, holding her breath for his answer.
“Why are you trying to pick a fight Brooke? What’s wrong with asking you to help? You were doing it for free earlier this year.”
“I don’t know,” she sighed, wishing he’d said that he did have feeling for her. It would make it far easier to deal with considering hers for him. “I just can’t risk it Neil, this is too amazing to be pushed back into that life.”
“I won’t let that happen, Brooke. I promise baby,” he said kissing her until he was turning her onto her back and driving into her. “The only screwing will be this kind.”
“Oh god,” she gasped as he increased his force and sent her mind scattering. “Neil…oh fuck…yes.”
“Yes you like that or yes you’ll help?” he questioned grabbing her tits using them to push and pull himself into her body.
“Both,” she moaned feeling her body tighten.
“I just had to pound some sense into the little tramp, my little slut, didn’t I?” he laughed lowering his mouth to hers driving her even wilder.
“Yes…oh fuck that’s…please Neil…please…”
“Come on my cock before I make you eat it,” he groaned telling her his body wanted to follow hers over already which she loved.
“Oh shit…oh god…oh,” she moaned as her body came apart. She felt him push her further and after another giant quake, he pulled her up by her hair and pushed her mouth onto his pulsing cock.
“Ah yes just like that baby,” Neil said as her throat closed around him. He held onto the back of her head and continued to fuck her face until he couldn’t control it anymore and spilled down her throat. “Mmm…fuck that just gets better every time.”
He held her against his chest for a bit before carrying her into the shower so they could start their day. He loved them starting their days off like this, more than anything he wanted to keep her always now.