Page 21 of I've Found Her
“As wonderful as that sounds Damien, I really can’t- now is just not a good time. Another time though?” I say.
“Ok,” he replies and then snuggles into me pulling me in to his side. He puts his face in my hair and inhales. “I’ve missed you Bella. I needed to smell you, to touch you.” He brings his hand to my face and turns it to face his. He kisses me, slowly and gently, “To taste you.” He then kisses me with such passion and possessiveness, the tingles run through me, warming and bringing that special place in between my legs alive. “I need you Bella, you’re mine. Please do not hide from me again. Whatever the reason, you must come to me.”
His dominating and primal ways should scare me but they don’t. I just melt in his arms. I feel so safe with him. I literally surrender my whole body to him. He can take me and have me any way he wants…and he does.
Chapter 13
I wake in the morning feeling empowered. A gorgeous, intelligent and powerful man has spent all night worshipping every inch of my body. I’m not going to let Rebecca get to me. I am damn good at my job and I’m not going to be pushed around. Damien walks in from the bathroom. He’s wearing a black suit that fits him perfectly. He’s freshly shaven, his hair is styled the way I’ve shown him how to do it and he smells amazing.
“Good morning my beautiful Bella, how are you feeling this morning?” he asks.
“I’m feeling wonderful. Last night, you were just what I needed. I’m sorry I didn’t ring you.”
The conversation with Rachel runs through my head. The way she spoke about my ‘boyfriend’ and how he would ‘drop me’ has infuriated me. How dare she. “Damien, do you know Rachel, my manager? Other than her being my manager I mean?”
Damien comes over and sits on the bed at the side of me. “No, not that I know of, why do you ask?”
“She said something to me after work last night; she basically said that having a boyfriend was affecting my work,” I explain.
“That’s ridiculous- is this why you were so upset?” Damien says as he tucks my hair behind my ear and looks deeply into my eyes. “I don’t think we’ve been as discreet as we thought. It’s time we let our relationship go public Bella. I want the world to know you’re mine. What do you think?” Damien smiles at me with a hopeful look on his face. He makes me happy- he makes me really happy. I think I’m ok with people knowing about us now. I know some people will have their opinions on our relationship but I think I can handle it. We can’t stay secret forever.
“Yes, but I need to tell my parents first,” I say.
“Alright, would you like me to be with you when you do?”
“No, I’ll call them and tell them today- then they’ll be at the show on Saturday night. You’re still coming, aren’t you?” I ask.
“I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I’m leaving for New York today but I plan to be back on Wednesday evening. As soon as business is taken care of, I will be on the plane back with you. And on that note, I need to go.” He pulls me in and gives me a passionate loving kiss, melting me the way he always does.” “I hate to leave you, but I must. Until Wednesday, my Bella.”
“I look forward to it. Ring me when you get there,” I say. He smiles, nods and leaves my apartment. I flop back down into my bed. It’s Sunday and I have nowhere to be. I’m lovingly knackered so here is where I will be staying. I snuggle up, smelling Damien on my pillow. I close my eyes and fall sleep with a smile on my face.
On Sunday, I spend the morning in bed. I ring my parents and tell them about Damien. Well, I don’t tell them everything, but enough to ensure they are happy for me and looking forward to meeting him on Saturday. I go out for food and a few drinks with Katie, then ring Chloe and catch up on what has been going on. The girls make me feel much better about my bad week last week and run-in with Rachel.
I am just about to go to bed and my phone rings. It’s Tiffany. “Hey hon, I really need your help.” Tiffany sounds a little panicked. “It’s a hair emergency, can you come to my apartment and bring your kit please?” she pleads.
“Yeah, sure. I’m on my way.” I get my kit and make my way down to Tiffany. I wonder what has happened? She normally comes into the salon for her hair. Tiffany opens the door with a towel around her head.
“Oh, thank you Bella.” She pulls me inside with a hug. “It’s a nightmare! I’ve got chewing gum in my hair! I tried to comb it out, but it just spread all the way down. So, I thought I could wash it out. But the warm water melted the gum and now it’s even worse.” She says with sob. “I’m working tonight and I’ve a meeting with my new manager. I am sure she doesn’t like me so I can’t turn up like this.” Tiffany sits on her sofa with her head in her hands.
“Don’t worry,” I reassure her, “I’ll have it sorted in no time. I just need something which isn’t in my kit-peanut butter. I’ll be back in five.”
“Peanut butter?” she repeats sounding surprised.
“Yep, I promise we will have that gum out in a jiffy.”
When I return, I take the towel off her head and assess the damage. She’s made a mess. I section the hair where I can, apply the peanut butter and start to comb the hair, working my way up.
“Did they teach you this in college then? Peanut butter gets out chewing gum?”
I laugh. “No, my mum did actually. I came home a few times as kid with gum or silly putty in my hair. Anything oil based will remove it really. That, and a large tooth comb. So anyway. How exactly did you get chewing gum in your hair?”
“Well, I was with this guy last night. Another one who I will not be seeing again. And well, we were, you know, in bed. When we started, he had gum in his mouth. It was an airwave one, you know, the really minty ones. They’re good for when you’re, you know. Makes it more sensitive. Anyway, when we finished the gum was no longer in his mouth, it was in my hair!” I burst out laughing. Thankfully Tiffany laughs too. Why do things like this always happen to her. I manage to get all the gum out and I wash and dry her hair. Tiffany gets off to work on time and I finally get to bed.
Monday is my last day off before the show on Saturday. I spend the whole day prepping. I have a couple of hours with my model. I’m doing two different styles, one down in waves with some accessories and one up. I know them both like the back of my hand and my timing is perfect. I’ll colour it on Friday so it’s fresh for the show. The rest of the day I go over my presentation. I only have five minutes to speak about our looks but a lot can be said in that amount of time. I don’t want to be reading from anything. I’m incredibly nervous and anxious. I feel physically sick when I think about it, to the point where I don’t want to do it. But I will.
This is something I have dreamed of doing my whole life. Me standing on stage showcasing my work to the world, well not the world, but you know. I’m going to be fine and I know I will love it when I’m actually doing it. My phone rings, Damien’s name lights up my screen. I smile as I feel the little butterflies in my tummy.