Page 22 of I've Found Her
Bella answers on the first ring. It’s so good to hear her voice. I hate being so far away from her, especially since I know something is troubling her. Something has happened at work. That Rachel’s got something to do with it. She sounds a lot happier today, excited about her show. But I can’t help worrying.
I call Mike the salon security guard as soon as my call with Bella ends.
“Mike, what’s the latest at the salon? Bella’s had a bad week and I want to know why?” Mike goes over the last week’s events with me. There’s something not right with all these incidents. “Thanks Mike, keep me updated.” Something is seriously off. I email IT and ask for a background check on Rachel. I want to know everything and I know they’ll find it.
The King Security offices are based on the top 3 floors of a high rise building in Lower Manhattan. I’m greeted by the doorman and receptionist.
“Good morning, Mr. King.” I enter the private lift using my security card. It feels a lifetime since I was last here. I used to spend twelve hours a day, six days a week here, until my father died. I’m not sure if it’s his passing or meeting Bella but I’m looking at life a whole lot differently now.
The lift chimes bringing me out of my thoughts of Bella. The doors open and I walk out onto the top floor. Penny is already here talking to my office PA.
“Good morning, Mr. King.” They both say in unison.
“I’ve left the documents for your meeting on your desk and Josh is in your office waiting for you,” Penny explains.
Josh and I run through the order of the meeting. We have taken on some new clients that King security have been declining to ‘represent’ for many years. Against my better judgment however, Josh has persuaded me to take them on. The company are… let’s just say not always legal, which is why I have been so against our collaboration. However, Josh has assured me that we won’t be brought into anything illegal. This is why I’m here and so is Mr. Davis my lawyer along with a couple of his team.
Our new clients are shown into our office. “Mr. Graves, please come in, take a seat,” I say. Mr. Graves is followed in by two very large men. They resemble Lurch from the Addams family. They may look scary to some, but not to Josh and me. Mr. Graves is the owner of a family- run loan shark and debt collecting business. The ‘business’ has been going for generations. Over the years the business has become “less ethical” in the words of Mr. Graves, which has resulted in family members being seriously hurt and killed. Mr. Graves wants our expertise to help bring the business back to moral ground.
“Mr. King, I know your reputation and you know mine. We both are very respected in our worlds. I can’t thank you enough for meeting with me today. You are my only hope of stopping any further tragedies in my family. If there is anything I can do to repay the favour, you just say the word.”
“That won’t be necessary Mr. Graves. Plus, we haven’t signed the contract yet,” I say sternly.
The meeting continues well into the evening and by the time I get to my apartment I can hardly keep my eyes open. My first thoughts when I walk through my home is how lonely it feels. Considering I have lived here for 10 years, I feel strangely homesick. The apartment is furnished with premium furniture. I had an interior designer do a full renovation only 12 months ago. It just goes to show, it’s not what’s in a house that makes it a home, it’s who. It has been a while since I was here and I realise this has never really felt like home. I would only sleep, eat and work here.
Bella comes into my mind, my Bella. Could there be a more perfect name for such a beauty. I instantly smile at the thought of her. Now she makes me feel like I’m at home. I pull out my phone to ring her- her voice is just what need. I look at the time- it’s 4:00 am in the UK. No wonder I’m tired. I got straight off the plane and went to the office. It’s too late to ring my Bella now but I see she has left me some voice notes on What’s App. I strip off and climb into bed. I listen to her messages of good night and send her one back. I can hear the smile in her voice when she speaks to me and it makes me smile too. I chuckle to myself, wondering what the hell has happened to me. This isn’t me- well it didn’t used to be me, pining over a woman but I like it.
“Hey Bella,” it’s Tiffany. She comes running into the salon with a huge box in her hands that says Flower Company on it. “This is for you Bella- they dropped them off at reception a while ago and I was so busy I completely forgot to bring them up. Anyway, I must get back as the phones been ringing off the hook all morning. And thanks again for last night- I owe you one!”
“Thanks Tiff, don’t mention it- I am glad I could help,” I shout back as she runs out of the salon as fast as she can in her 3-inch stiletto heels. I take it into the staffroom and open the box. There’s 12, what I think ‘were’ red roses, but they are completely dead now. The petals are almost black and completely wilted.
“Hey, what you got there, kid?” It’s Mike, he makes me jump as he towers behind me, staring over my shoulder looking at the flowers. “Is it me or do they look a bit dead?” Mike asks as he scratches his head.
“Yeah,” I chuckle, “Tiffany said they’d been delivered a while ago and she forgot to bring them up.”
“I think it was more than a while ago. Is there a card? Who are they from?”
“I can’t see one. I think I know who they’re from though.”
I wonder when he sent them? I bet Damien thinks I’m so ungrateful not thanking him for the flowers. I’ll speak to him later and explain. There’s no saving them unfortunately, so I put them in the bin and get to work on my next client. The day passes with no complications thank goodness. I don’t wish to repeat last week ever again.
When I get back to my apartment after work, I feel a strange sensation like someone’s been in my room. I switch all the lights on and have a good look around. There’s no one here and I can’t see anything missing. I think I’m so exhausted my mind is playing tricks on me.
I get into bed and call Damien. “Good evening, Bella.” He’s smiling as he speaks. I can hear it in his voice; he sounds happy to hear from me. That makes me happy too.
“Hi how are you? How’s your meeting going?” I ask.
“As well as could be expected. We’ve signed the contracts so I will be flying back to England tomorrow,” he replies.
“That’s great news Damien. I have missed you.”
“And I you Bella. I’ve missed every delicious bit of you.” I blush, I still can’t believe this handsome, powerful, kind man is in a relationship with little old me. If it is all a dream, I hope I never wake up. We talk for an hour so until Damien really must go. I’m soon falling asleep with a smile on my face.
Today is Wednesday. Damien is home tonight. He’s asked me to be at his apartment when he gets home. I’m going to surprise him with a home cooked meal. He mentioned to me recently that he really missed his mum’s cooking and that he’s never really been a fan of the fancy food at restaurants. My mum has always been a good cook too- traditional English dishes mainly. I have so many fond memories of us baking and cooking together. Reminiscing makes me feel a little homesick. Still, I’ll see my parents on Saturday and I’ll make sure to plan a visit home soon.