Page 37 of I've Found Her
“Damien, will you do something for me?”
“Anything, what is it Bella?”
“Would you come to counselling with me? Don’t answer me yet, just think about it. I think it would help us both.”
“I will definitely think about it.” I kiss the top of her head and she snuggles into me further. We are both soon fast asleep.
I am here again, running down that hallway, trying to get to that door. I run as hard and as fast as I can. After what feels like 10 minutes running on a treadmill floor that hardly moves, I reach the door. I take the door handle in my hand and turn. I walk into the room. And there it is right in front of me. I see what I have been searching for my whole life. Of course.
But just like that, I am awake again. Every time I have this dream, once I see what I am searching for, I wake up. Only this time I can remember what I saw behind that door. I can still see it now. She’s in my arms. It’s my Bella. Finally, I've found her.
We are on the way to hospital to get my cast removed. The sun is shining, and I am feeling wonderful. I am almost as good as new health- wise. I am the happiest I have been in my life. Damien holds my hand as he drives. He doesn’t even let go to change gear.
“I’ve been thinking. Now I am getting my cast off and I am feeling a lot better, I thought I would move back into the hotel.” Damien turns to look at me. He is wearing sunglasses so I can’t read his eyes, but from the expression on the rest of his face, I don’t think he is too happy. “I am very grateful for everything you have done for me, but I don’t want to outsay my welcome. I thought maybe next week?”
Ok he’s definitely not happy. I don’t say anything, I just watch him take a breath. He moves our joined hands to his mouth and kisses the back of mine. “Bella. My house is your home. You are my home now Bella. I cannot live apart from you. If you would prefer to live in the hotel, then I will come too. But I thought you were happy at Kingston?”
I smile. I was hoping Damien would feel like this. As I do. We haven’t actually had the conversation about future living arrangements but I know where I want to be and that is anywhere Damien is.
“Are you asking me to move in with you Damien?” His face relaxes as he realises he doesn’t have a fight on his hands.
“Yes, I am. Although I didn’t think I needed to ask. I thought it was quite clear.” Damien answers grumpily.
I squeeze his hand and give him a big smile. “I just didn’t want to assume, and for you to think I was taking advantage. You have a beautiful home Damien but I would live on the street as long as it was with you.”
“I can assure you Bella, we will never be sleeping on the street. You my Bella can take advantage of me however you wish.” He raises his sunglasses and gives me a wink. God this man is hot.
It’s been 12 months since I was taken by John and Pete. I’ve now made a full recovery.
I’m back in work at the salon, which is now ‘Bella Hairdressing’. Damien kicked out Rebecca along with the franchise and put the sign over the door while I was still in hospital. I don’t remember much from the ordeal. I’ve plenty of scars to remind me but they’re all fading now.
The whole thing has affected Damien more than me. Damien has been wonderful. He has taken such good care of me. I’ve had the best doctors and nurses and every treatment from counselling and psychotherapy to Indian head massage and pedicures. Damien did not leave my side. He comes to work with me most days and works from the salon. He’s turned one of the treatment rooms into his office. It was the only way he would let me go back to work.
Mike is back on the door and the salon is busier than ever. Mike, thank goodness has made a full recovery. He had a good few stab wounds and almost died but thank fully he is now ‘fitter than ever’ (his words). Mike wanted to come straight back to work so here he is.
Chloe has moved to London. She’s living with us until she finds a place of her own. I am hoping something will happen between her and Josh. There is definitely chemistry there.
I’ve never been happier. I also have a little surprise in store for Damien tonight. I found out I was pregnant yesterday and as it was his birthday today, I thought I’d make it one of his surprises. Life couldn’t be more perfect- with Damien by my side I will want for nothing more.
Today is my birthday and there is only one thing I want today and that is for Bella to say she will be my wife. We are going for a meal at our favourite restaurant. I know however that she has also invited many of our friends and family as a surprise. Nothing gets past me. But that couldn’t be more perfect really as I have a surprise for Bella. I am going to ask her to marry me.
First of all, though, I have my counselling appointment. I have been coming to see Dr McGrain for about 12 months now. It was Bella’s idea. We come together and also separately. It has really helped me. I didn’t realise how just talking about how you feel and what goes on in your head can make you feel and deal with situations much better.
I enter Dr McGrain’s room. I sit in the chair with a smile on my face thinking about Bella and this evening. “Damien, you look particularly happy today. Is there a reason for this?”
“There is. Today is my birthday and the day I am going to ask Bella to marry me.”
“Well, yes, I can see why you would be happy today. Many happy returns. And a proposal? That is fantastic news. Do you think you are both ready for this commitment?”