Page 25 of At First Glance
As much as Talia wanted to push Faye from her mind, she’d come to realise that it was impossible. Faye was the only woman who’d sat and listened. The only woman whohadn’tsuggested she quit her job in order to be happy. The only woman to care.
Talia thought Megan cared at one time, long ago, but Faye was different. Her eyes showed how much she cared. And it was genuine. Every word Faye spoke was filled with hope, honesty,andtrust. In Talia’s world, trust was almost non-existent. It had been for a long time.
But she knew she’d messed up last Wednesday at Faye’s. She’d shown her a side that included heartache and vulnerability. And thatwasn’tTalia. Not usually. Her mask had slipped in front of Faye, and now the pretty writer was avoiding her at all costs. Why wouldn’t she, though? Faye probably thought that Talia was sexy and seductive before that conversation, so after seeing a side that didn’t match up with her appearance, Faye had probably run a mile.
She’d considered calling, even showing up at Faye’s apartment, but something held Talia back. Nobody had ever stripped away her walls so easily, and nobody had gotten her to open up about Megan before, but Faye had. And quite frankly, Talia didn’t like it. It was one thing to offer the bare bones of her past, but to break down like that in front of a woman she hardly knew…no. It wasn’t in Talia’s character.
Until now.
She hadn’t wanted to run out on Faye last week, but once that emotional haze lifted, Talia was mortified. Just the idea that she could sit down to dinner with another woman and pour her heart out had Talia terrified for the future. Because as hard as she was trying to remain platonic with Faye, she felt herself slipping. And slipping meant one thing: a loss of control over her life. She couldn’t ever let another woman have that hold over her again, so perhaps it was just as well that Faye had vanished from her life.
Still, Talia wished it could have been different.
Faye offering her friendship alone had meant the world to her.
“It’s not to be,” Talia muttered to herself as she frothed a jug of milk. “It’ll always be a mistake.”
She cleared her throat and smiled as another customer approached the counter. The sooner this day was over, the sooner she could get home and lock the door. All she needed was a hot chocolate and a good book. Neither of those would let her down. Never.
Talia served the customer, ringing their order through on the register. But as she glanced up to offer the card machine, she found Phoebe waiting next in line. That was all she needed today.
“What can I get you?” Talia focused on the cash register.
“Where is she?”
Talia glowered. “I’m sorry?”
“Faye. Where is she?”
“I, uh…” Talia shifted uncomfortably. Phoebe was looking at her as though she’d held her best friend hostage. “I don’t know. She hasn’t been in.”
“Don’t lie to me, Adria!”
Talia clenched her jaw, approaching another server behind the counter. “Could you cover for me for a few minutes?” The server nodded, but Talia was already rushing out from behind the counter, gripping Phoebe’s arm on the way past. When they landed outside, Talia’s blood was boiling. “I don’t know what the hell your problem is, butdon’tpush my buttons, Phoebe. I’m sick of your shit!”
“She isn’t picking up. She doesn’t return my messages. And this only started when you fucking showed up.”
Talia scoffed. “Have you thought that maybe she’s tired of listening to your crap? I know I am, and I barely even know you.”
“Excuse me?”
“You’re…a lot.”
“I don’t give a shit what you think of me. You’ve turned her against me!”
Talia barked a laugh. This woman was unbelievable. “You’re not serious, surely! Remind me again how old you are.”
“Then you really should try acting like it. You behave like a child, and I don’t blame Faye for ignoring your calls.”
“She never ignores my calls. Something is wrong. And I know it’s down to you. You fucked her, didn’t you? You couldn’t help yourselves.”
“I don’t care what you think about me, but don’t you fuckingdaretalk about Faye like that. She’s supposed to be your friend. Have more respect for her.”
“That’s rich coming from you. You don’t know the meaning of respect.” Phoebe stood toe-to-toe with Talia, tilting her chin. “When she comes in, tell her I want to speak to her. And after you’ve done that, keep your fucking hands to yourself!”
Phoebe was beginning to get on Talia’s last nerve, she really was. But Talia wouldn’t cause a scene. Not in public, anyway.