Page 26 of At First Glance
“Turn around and walk away. I’m sure Faye will be in touch when she wants to speak to you. But it hasnothingto do with me. I haven’t seen her in a week.”
“Sort it out, or I’ll tell everyone inside that bistro who you are!”
Phoebe turned on her heel and walked away, leaving a stunned Talia standing on the pavement. People weaved in and out, determined to get to their destination, but Talia was invisible. Thankfully, she preferred life to be that way.
But Phoebe had other ideas. And if Talia was right, she knew Phoebe wouldn’t let this go any time soon. While it warmed her to know that Faye had someone who loved her enough to have her back, Phoebe really was barking up the wrong tree. Talia wouldn’t dream of hurting Faye. Not in this lifetime.
* * *
“Yes,Mum. I’ve got plenty of Lemsip.” Faye sunk back down into the couch, pulling a blanket over her.
“You’re run down, love. You work too hard.”
If only that were the truth. She’d been working at a steady pace, making sure she was caring for herself too, but it was easier to agree with her mother. “I know. But I have deadlines.”
“I understand that, but now look at you. You sound dreadful.”
“I’m sure I’ll be okay in a few days. And since you’ve sent me enough food to last an entire year, I have no reason to go out. I can stay home and sleep it off.”
“But will you do that?” Irene asked. “Will you really relax and recuperate?”
“I don’t have much choice, Mum. I have no energy to do anything.”
“Keep eating. You know what they say: feed a cold, starve a fever.”
Faye rolled her eyes, and then she smiled. Her mum was always coming out with some quote from the dark ages. But she wouldn’t change her. “I promise I’ll eat.” If Faye could find the strength to get off the couch. “I’ll nap, and then I’ll eat.”
“Okay, well, call me tomorrow. If you’re not feeling better soon, I’m coming to stay with you.”
“Mum, I have a cold. I’m fine. It’s only been a few days; I’ll perk up soon.”
“Right. If you’re sure?”
Faye smiled as she lay back, the soft pillow beneath her head cocooning her. God, she just wanted to sleep. “I’m shattered, Mum. I’m going to go now, okay?”
“Sleep well. I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
Faye lowered her phone from her ear, sighing. There was nothing in this world that she hated more than being ill. And a cold was the worst for her. That lack of energy. The watery eyes and constant sneezing. When she’d looked in the mirror an hour ago, she wasn’t sure if she had a cold or if she’d been attacked. Rough was an understatement.
The buzzer sounded around her apartment, but there was no chance she could find the strength to get up and answer the door. She didn’t do being ill very well. Even as a child she was rubbish at being poorly. But since she lived alone, Faye had the luxury of letting herself go whenever she pleased.
The buzzer sounded again.
And then her phone started to ring on top of her blanket.Huh. Talia.Seeing her name on the screen had Faye’s heart fluttering.
Faye cleared her throat. “Hello?”
“Hi. I’m sorry to bother you, but Phoebe was in the bistro today looking for you. She’s not happy, and to be honest, I don’t have the patience for her attitude anymore. If you could set her straight about us, I’d really appreciate it.”
Faye frowned. “I’m sorry?”
“Phoebe. She has far too much to say for herself, and I’m kinda over it, Faye. If she comes into work again, I’m probably going to strangle her.”
“She’s been to the bistro?”
Talia sighed. “Just call her. Set her straight. I’m backing off, okay? I won’t call again. I won’t come by anymore. Just…tell her she has nothing to worry about.”