Page 27 of At First Glance
“Was that you pressing my buzzer?”
“Yeah. I was hoping you’d at least answer, but I think it’s kinda self-explanatory how you feel about me now. That outburst from me last week was out of character, and I’m sorry if it was stuff you didn’t want to hear, so I’m gone, okay? I won’t bother you again. Take care, Faye.”
“No, wait!” Faye threw the blanket from her lap, stumbling to her feet. “I’m letting you in. Please come up.”
“No. I have to go.”
“Talia, please.” Faye didn’t want to, but she was about ready to cry. What Talia was saying was so far from the truth. Just the knowledge that she trusted Faye with her past was a huge deal. She needed Talia to know that. “Just five minutes. And then you can leave if you want to.”
“Fine. Buzz me up.” Talia didn’t sound like she wanted to see Faye, but she’d definitely gotten the wrong end of the stick.
She glanced in the mirror and groaned. Faye looked a mess. She ran a hand through her messy locks, blowing out a breath as she unlocked her apartment door. She heard footsteps, so Faye rested back against the counter and waited for Talia to join her.
Faye shoved a tissue into her hoodie pocket. “Door’s open. Come in.”
Talia, those heart stopping eyes… “Hi. Sorry, I really didn’t plan to come up and disturb you.”
“You haven’t.”
“Is everything okay?” The sudden concern on Talia’s face warmed Faye, but Talia didn’t need to worry.
“I’m fine. I’m just not feeling very well.”
“Faye, you look awful.”
“Yeah, me and the common cold aren’t the best of friends. Never have been. But please, come in. Just don’t get too close.” Faye’s body screamed at her to sit down, her legs weak. “Would you mind if I sit down?”
Talia reached out, guiding Faye towards the couch. “Can I get you anything? A hot drink, fresh tissues, anything?”
“No, thank you.” Faye eased down onto the couch, exhaling a long breath. “I think we’ve established that you don’t want to be here, so I’ll say what I need to say and then you can…get gone, as you put it.”
Talia perched herself on the arm of a single bucket seat, running a hand through her delicious raven hair. “Sorry. I’m just tired of Phoebe.”
“Join the club.”
“She’s on the warpath, and I really don’t want to be dragged into whatever issues she has. I don’t know what she thinks I’m going to do to you, but you need to sit down and talk to her. She seems to think I have some kind of hold on you.”
“I was going to call her in a few days,” Faye said, pulling her knees to her chest. She didn’t have the strength for this. She could just about keep her eyes open. But then she glanced in Talia’s direction. “Did you think I was avoiding you?”
“Hard to think anything else. I haven’t heard from you since I was here last week.”
“That’s not what was happening, I promise you. I’ve been busy with work, I had to leave the city on Friday to visit my mum, and since I got home…I’ve been here on the couch, ill.”
“You should have called. I would have come over and cooked you dinner or whatever. Just…I could have been there for you.”
“And see me like this? No, thanks.” Faye snorted, her head pounding. “I’ll be okay in a few days. And then I’ll be back at the bistro, working like usual.”
“Can I do anything? I hate feeling useless when people need someone.”
“I really appreciate that, but I don’t want you to hang around here and catch this.”
Talia shrugged her jacket off, draping it over the back of the seat. “You look tired. Why don’t you lie down and close your eyes while I rustle something up for you?”
“Talia, you don’t have to do that.”
Talia stared down at Faye, offering a genuine smile. “I want to. Please?”