Page 28 of At First Glance
“Okay.” Faye stretched her body, and then curled up on the couch, the TV playing low in front of her. “But if I fall asleep, just head out. I’m sure you have things to do.”
“Nope. Got nothing planned this evening.”
Faye’s heart tightened in her chest. Why was Talia so wonderful but so unavailable? Why, for the love of God, couldn’t she have this woman in more than a friendly capacity? “You’re too kind.”
* * *
Talia sat quietlyat the kitchen island, her fist propping up her chin as she watched Faye sleep. She hadn’t intended to be here, but as Faye stood before her looking worse for wear, Talia didn’t have the heart to be angry anymore. She also didn’t have the heart to leave Faye alone…nasally and with swollen eyes.
Talia knew she was getting too close, that much was clear just by sitting here waiting for Faye to wake. But the conflicted feelings she had inside of her, the turmoil whenever she imagined not seeing Faye again, weighed her body down, holding her in place in the very spot she sat.
This…was a mess.
Her phone vibrated in her shirt pocket. Talia removed it quietly, smiling when she found her best friend’s name on the screen. Jay was the only person she considered a friend. He’d been there for her since they left high school. She glanced up at Faye, huddled on the couch with the blanket pulled up to her chin. She didn’t want to wake her, but she could really do with a conversation with Jay.
She climbed down from the stool and slipped out of the apartment, pulling the door over. “Hey!”
“I miss you. Home is awful without you. When are you coming back?”
Talia smiled weakly. She missed Jay too, but if Talia got her way, Liverpool would become home for her. Since arriving, she’d realised that London was only reminding her of a past she desperately wanted to forget. “I don’t plan to.”
“What? Really?”
“Jay, this is where I live now. You know you can stay with me whenever you want to travel up and see me.”
“But it’s not the same. My nights out…well, they don’t exist anymore. It’s so miserable here.”
“Can I call you when I get home? I’m kinda busy at the minute.”
Jay sighed. “Doing what? What could possibly be more important than talking to me?”
“I’m just with a friend, that’s all.”
She knew Jay was frowning. He was like a brother to her; she knew every last mannerism. “You don’t have friends.”
Talia lifted a shoulder. “Well, now I do.”
“It’s a woman, isn’t it? Oh, Talia…this could be really good for you. Don’t push her away, though. I know you.”
“Relax, it’s not what you think. Faye isjusta friend. She has to be. It can’t go any further.”
“Why not?”
Talia flared her nostrils, exhaling a slow breath. “You know why. We’ve been through this a million times. She’s a friend, and that’s that.”
“Okay, I’m coming to visit. I’m getting the train down in a few days.”
“I have to work the weekend, and I’m at the bistro through the week. I do have Tuesday off though, so I could spend some time with you then. I’m sure you’ll find something to do while I’m working on Monday.”
Jay knew when Talia was struggling, but he would always have her back.
“I’ll be there on Sunday.”
“Look, if you’re only coming to check I’m okay, you don’t have to do that. I’m fine. I always am.”
“I’ll be the judge of that. But I have to get back to work. I’ll see you Sunday, okay?”
Talia smiled, inching Faye’s door open again. “Okay. See you Sunday.”