Page 29 of At First Glance
As she ended the call and crept back inside Faye’s apartment, she found those blue eyes staring back at her. Even while she was sick, Faye was still gorgeous. Perhaps more so than usualbecauseof how natural she was. Talia loved it, even though she shouldn’t.
“Did I wake you?”
“No. I was ready to wake up.” Faye rubbed a hand down her face. “How long was I out?”
“Just over two hours,” Talia said, moving into the kitchen and turning the stove off. She’d made a chicken and vegetable soup while Faye was sleeping. “I’ll get you some food, and then I’ll get out of your way.”
“Whatever you’ve made, it smells delicious.” Faye stumbled to her feet, correcting her balance as she pressed a palm to her forehead. “Sorry. The room is spinning.”
“Sit down. I’ll bring it over.”
“Talia, you’ve done more than enough. Have you been sitting here in silence?”
“I like silence.” Talia shrugged, carrying a huge bowl of soup over to Faye. “Forgive me for going through your cupboards.”
“This is so sweet of you,” Faye said, then coughed into the crook of her elbow.
Talia wanted to reach out and hold Faye, to take away how she was feeling, but she couldn’t. And it had nothing to do with the fact that Faye was probably contagious, either. Talia knew that the second she let her guard slip, Faye would be cemented into her life. However much she wanted to enjoy that possibility in her head, Talia knew better than to hope for something unattainable.
“You’re welcome. I’ll head off now. But I’ll see you once you’re feeling better.”
“You didn’t have to stay. It means the world that you did, though. I really appreciate it.”
“I know,” Talia said low, gazing into Faye’s eyes. “I wouldn’t have bothered if I thought you wouldn’t.”
“Take care getting home. It’s frosty out there tonight.”
* * *
With her phoneresting between her ear and her shoulder, Faye lay stretched out on the couch. She was feeling a little brighter since Talia had stopped by and taken care of her, but deep down, she wished Talia was still here. How she’d cooked for her, asked if she’d needed anything, and just been a friendly face for the first time in almost a week…Faye’s heart thrummed at the reminder.
“Hello?” The call connected, and Phoebe’s voice broke Faye from her lovely thoughts of Talia. “Faye?”
“Yes. It’s me. Just wanted to let you know I’m alive.”
“Thank God. Where have you been?” Phoebe sounded concerned, perhaps a little bit pissed off.
“At home. I’m not well.”
Phoebe sighed, the sound of her heels clicking in the background. “You do sound full of cold. Are you over the worst of it now?”
“Not really. But I’ve just had a lovely bowl of soup, so I feel a tiny bit better.”
“Who on earth has the energy to make soup when they’re sick?”
“I…didn’t.” Faye paused, contemplating whether it was a good idea to mention Talia. But then she realised that she had no reason to walk on eggshells. If Faye wanted Talia over, Phoebe wasn’t going to stop that. “Talia showed up here. When she realised I was sick, she came up and stayed a while to make sure I was okay.”
Phoebe scoffed. “Of course she did. The hero whore.”
“P-pardon?” Faye’s brows drew together. She hadn’t heard Phoebe right, surely.
“Oh, come on. Why do you think she was there? To pissmeoff and probably try to get in your pants.”
Faye held her tongue for a moment or two, gathering her thoughts. “I’m not sure what your problem is, but Talia doing that for me has nothing to do with you. You really shouldn’t think so highly of yourself.”
“I told her to back off. I spoke to her this afternoon and warned her!”
“Warned her?” Faye barked a laugh, shaking her head. “What are you? My wife?”