Page 30 of At First Glance
“No. I’m not doing this with you again. You repeatedly tear her down at any opportunity. It’s disgusting. The things you say about her… We’re supposed to respect and empower one another, not treat people like shit!”
“Women like her arenotthe same as us, Faye. The sooner you realise that, the better.”
“I’ve called you to say a few things, and then I don’t want to hear another word from you about Talia. Actually, I don’t want to hear from you for a while. You’re just…I don’t know what’s going on with you lately, but I don’t like it.”
“You called to say a few things?”
“Yes. Because Talia has asked me to. Quite frankly, I don’t care what you think is or isn’t going on, but you showing up at the bistro and speaking to her like that…I don’t know who you think you are. Give it a rest, leave her alone, and stop mouthing off. It’s very distasteful.”
“Youaresleeping with her, aren’t you?”
Faye groaned, dragging the blanket she was partially lying on over her. “Why are you so obsessed with my sex life?”
Phoebe snorted. “I’m not.”
“Really? Because it sure seems like it to me.” Faye felt the headache that had been subsiding reappear. But lately, Phoebe seemed to have that effect on her. “Look, I’m going to shower and get into bed. Thanks for asking how I am before you tore Talia to shreds. It means a lot.”
Phoebe had become so obsessed with Talia that she hadn’t even thought to offer to come over. Not that Faye would have allowed her here after recent events, but the offer still would have meant something to her.
“Faye, wait!”
“What?” Faye’s nostrils flared as she pinched the bridge of her nose.
“I just…I’m having a hard time understanding what you could possibly see in her. And as I’ve said to you before, Iwillstep away if I have to. Nothing good can come from this.”
“Nothing is going to come from it…goodorbad. Because we’re just friends.” Admitting that wasn’t making Faye feel any better this evening. Especially not since Talia had been so wonderful and caring just thirty minutes ago. “But if you feel as though you need some space from something that reallyisn’tyour business, I won’t stop you. Bye.”
She ended the call, dropping her phone to the floor beside the couch. Phoebe had developed a way of shitting all over anything Faye said. To prevent that from going on any longer, she had no plans to contact her so-called friend in the coming days. And if Faye really had to, she would extend that to weeks.
Faye delightedin the smell of coffee as it overpowered her senses. For the first time in almost a week, she could actually taste what she was drinking. And God, it was bordering on heavenly.
She’d spent the weekend going over the final chunk of her manuscript, and last night after a surge in energy, she’d finished it. She had some back and forth to do with her editor in the coming weeks, but Faye was looking forward to a few days off from the intense stuff.
She clicked the top of her red pen, settling in for a final read through.
Talia was behind the counter, people came and went in the crazy morning rush, but Faye noticed a guy sitting a few tables away…staring at her. She eyed him over the rim of her reading glasses, frowning when he lifted a hand and offered a small wave. She didn’t know him, did she?
She puffed out her cheeks and shook her head, returning to the manuscript in front of her. The sooner she opened the pages, the sooner she could get lost in the world she’d created. This one felt more…longing than the others. But Faye knew she’d put some of her own feelings into it. Feelings that had surfaced since Talia moved to the city. She may not have the opportunity to act on her wishes, but her characters certainly could.
“Hi,” a giddy, playful voice startled Faye. “You’re Faye, right?”
“I…am.” She looked up at the tall, well-groomed man standing at the corner of her table. “Can I help you?”
He held out a hand. “I’m Jay. Talia’s best friend.”
“Oh, hi.” Faye sat up a little straighter, offering him a full smile. If he was Talia’s best friend, he was probably lovely. “Nice to meet you.”
“Do you mind if I sit for a moment?”
Faye held out a hand. “Of course not. Have a seat.”
Jay smiled as he lowered himself into the chair facing Faye. He was studying her, his head cocked slightly. “I can certainly see the appeal.”
One of Faye’s brows rose. “I, uh…excuse me?”