Page 137 of A Dark Duet
I nod. “Thank you. I appreciate you keeping your word. I still want to break your face though.”
He scoffs. “I think your fiancé broke more than my face the last time she saw me.”
“Good. I’m glad she came to her senses. Now, let’s go get my girl.”
After an hour, we pull up to the drug house and it is a dusty shit hole. I turn my head to Nick.
“Get me the blanket and blindfold,” I tell him.
Ethan looks at me with a confused expression as to why I would need a blindfold.
“It’s for her. I don’t want her to see. It is something I have been working on with her. She will thank me later. She doesn’t need to see this shit,” I tell him.
He nods and speaks to a microphone in his hand. “They are in position.” He turns to me. “ On your move. You call the shots, Cyprus.”
I nod. “One, two, three.” The doors open and I move with lethal precision toward the back. Nick follows behind me. When I reach the back window, I can see two figures, but I don’t see Briana. I motion Nick to breach the back door. Bam! I bust the door down with my gun raised and aimed at whoever jumps out. Both Daniel and Ben have their heads turned away. They thought the sound was coming from the front door instead of the back. Placing the barrel of the gun against Daniel’s head, I say with clenched teeth. “Where is she?”
“I-i-in the back room,” he stammers.
Pushing the gun into his skull, I see Nick has Ben in a similar position. “Walk, and if you make a move, I’ll blow your fucking head off. Take me to her and so help me God if you have so much as laid a finger on her. I will kill you.”
They’re already dead in my book but I’m not going to tell them that just yet. I’ll keep it to myself a little while longer. He walks me to the back of the smelly drug house with creaking floorboards and black-stained walls. It reminds me of the little house I grew up in I called the pit of hell.
We reach an old wood door and I brace myself when he opens it to reveal Briana.
She is tied to the bed naked and the rage inside of me boils before erupting.
“Who are you?” she asks, sobbing. “Please, help me,” she pleads, her hands are tied together and trembling. She has red marks and handprints on her delicate skin. I remember she can’t see me with the mask on. “It’s me, baby. I’m here.” Her face is red and her lips are already chapped.
“Oh, thank God. Jaden, please get me out of here. I’ll do anything.”
My heart breaks listening to her pleading for my help. I promise to love her and protect her and never let her out of my sight again. I hit the fucker on the head with the gun and he passes out from the blow. My hand reaches out and I untie her. She wraps her arms around herself and I grab the blindfold.
“You trust me?” I ask her.
She nods and I inspect her body. “Did they?”
She knows I’m asking her if they violated her, but to my relief, she shakes her head. “No, they pulled my hair and touched me, but they were waiting until dark to rape me and then ransom for money.”
“I need you to put this on, baby, because I’m going to do things and I don’t want you to see. You think you can place this over your eyes? I promise I am not going to leave you here and no one is ever going to touch you again,” I whisper, kissing her on her temple.
“O-okay. I trust you, Jaden, but please get me the fuck out of here. I can’t be here.”
“I know, baby, but I need to take care of these assholes.”
I peek my head out because I don’t have much time before Daniel wakes up. “Blanket.” Nick throws it over and I wrap Briana in it, covering her exposed body. She is shivering and frightened.
Placing Briana by the exit, with her body and eyes covered, Nick and I get to work.
After twenty minutes, Daniel and Ben look down and scream at the top of their lungs. Nick helped me tie them up by their hands and feet, with them spread wide.
“Oh my fucking Christ.” Daniel sobs, screaming.
“I wouldn’t move if I were you,” I warn. “Everything might just fall out.”
I cut both their stomachs open with their intestines hanging out and sliced their cocks off so they’d bleed out slowly.
“Oh fuck, it hurts,” Ben screams in agony. “You motherfucker.” His eyes roll back. He is close to death, but not yet.