Page 138 of A Dark Duet
“You’re fucking crazy and sick,” Daniel says. He grunts and blood is oozing out of his mouth. His life hanging by a thread.
Nick is kneeling, watching, not feeling an inch of remorse for these sick bastards.
“I’m sick?” I mock. “How about the shit you did to my girl? You raped and beat her. An innocent girl and she has nightmares that haunt her.”
“It’s because she loved our cock when we would take turns, you pathetic piece of shit.”
I suck my teeth, getting pissed off at how he talks about what they did to Briana. I grab my filet knife and cut every finger off and stuff a rag into their mouths, taking turns like in the movieSAW, slicing their skin and finally shoving a knife in each of their rectums so they can feel the burn. The memory of watching Briana screaming in her sleep that it burned. Every pain, emotion, and torture Briana has suffered was inflicted all at once on these men before ultimately meeting their maker.
I’m sitting in the back with Briana in my lap. My arms are wrapped around her as Ethan drives us to the gym. “I want to go home. Take me home, please,” she says against my chest.
Ethan looks at me through the rearview mirror. He sent a cleanup crew to handle the mess I made, and I sent someone to get her jeep from the center.
“I miss my white bed and the sound of the water from the waterfall in the pool,” she says between sobs. “I want to take a shower and need you to scrub their hands off my skin.” She sobs with fresh tears. She turns to Nick and says, “Thank you for the headphones.”
Thank God Nick was smart enough to place headphones in her ears so she wouldn’t listen. She is calling my home, her home. Because it is our home. She loves the sound of the water hitting the pool from the second-story waterfall because it calms her. She is seeking peace to calm her turmoil.
“Anytime, Dr. J,” he says.
More like Dr. C for Cyprus if I have anything to do with it.
It has been two months since the incident and Jaden has been patient with me. He took me to meet with a really well-known therapist that told him about BDSM and bondage as a way of therapy for both of us. It has helped tremendously with trust and sex. Jaden takes things slow and listens to how I’m feeling. He tells me he loves me all the time and never forgets my white lilies every morning.
“Everything smells funny, and I hate the smell of eggs,” Giselle says, complaining.
I laugh. “I actually like the taste of eggs but only scrambled, if they are fried, I’ll upchuck them.” Giselle and I both found out we are pregnant, and Nate and Jaden didn’t look surprised, so we concluded they planned on it. Makes sense considering the constant sex every chance they got to get us alone.
I’m dealing with what happened slowly but finding out we are expanding our family has helped. We decided to get married in a civil ceremony, wanting to wait for our babies to arrive so we could have them. We both wanted a wedding but none of us have parents or any extended family members except the guys at the gym. So now I’m Mrs. Cyprus and Giselle is Mrs. Phoenix.
Jaden has postponed his fight until after the baby is born and I am happy with his decision to follow the therapy outlined by myself and another doctor that taught me everything I know when attending school.
“Are you ready for your surprise, Dr. Cyprus?” I smile at Jaden as we have been waiting for him in the living room of our house.
“Yes, Mr. Cyprus. Where are you taking us?”
“It is a surprise.”
My stomach gets butterflies, and I am not sure if it’s from excitement or the fact that I have a token of our love growing inside of me.
“Let’s go, wife,” Nate says to Giselle, and she smiles at him with pure adoration.
We drive for four hours into California. I look out the window of the Range Rover in confusion at a dock. “Why are we here?”
“You’ll see,” Jaden says as he opens the door to the back seat of the Rover. “Close your eyes and don’t open them until I tell you.”
“Okay. I trust you.”
He walks behind me and guides me forward carefully. “Ready?”
“Yes,” I say, anticipating one of Jaden’s surprises.
“Okay. Open your eyes.”
My eyes slowly open and I gasp in surprise.