Page 64 of A Dark Duet
“Nick, you ready?”
“Yeah, brother, you know I have your back. You too, Jaden. I got you.”
I confided in Nick, telling him what happened to Brie and Giselle. His eyes went wide in disbelief, wanting to kill those fuckers himself. He understood the rage, the sinister anger inside me as I told him every detail of Brie’s abuse and how they were attacked.
I even told him about Giselle’s nightmares every night in my arms, her screams as she relives the moment. They broke her as they beat her friend and made her watch.
Brie’s mother was so high on drugs she didn’t even stir to see Giselle brutally raped while her daughter watched in agony with muffled screams. Biding your time is the most difficult when you want revenge. Jaden and Nick understand it.
No one touches what’s mine and breathes. Maverick, I knocked him the fuck out and sent him a check for his chivalry with my girl at the store. I’ll never let another man pay for what my girl wants. He knows not to fucking mention her name.
Jaden paid him a brief visit after the fight, making sure he knew I fight in the cage but am capable of killing outside. Tonight is the night I will unleash the monster inside me. Tonight, The Reaper comes to reap the souls unannounced, bringing death to those who wronged him.
The black Escalade is waiting, and we head out to pick up the blacked-out motorcycles with no markings and no tags. We head out like the hounds of hell in the night, looking for our prey. We arrive at the small trailer park off the road in the middle of nowhere.
It’s dark except for two lights, one leading in and one leading out to the main road. It’s a fucking dump. Only crackheads and drug dealers live in these types of trailers. It reminds me of where I grew up, the stench of old garbage and stale cigarettes everywhere. We park our motorcycles out of sight, far enough from the trailer that belongs to Brie’s mom.
A pickup truck and Camaro are parked out of place in front of the trailer. I’m eager to rip them to shreds knowing they’re inside, where they brutally raped her. I see the same look on Jaden’s face. He’s imagining that piece of shit doing the same to Brie. Nick looks at us both, feeling the radiating energy of hate and vengeance we’re giving off.
We take out our masks and pull them over our heads, then replace the hoods of our hoodies. The tight fabric with skulls marks our faces like death in the night. We each have our Glocks and intricate knives in holsters around our stomachs. Jaden throws us each a rope and a chain. We nod and walk quietly toward the trailer.
We can see light and movement through the dirty, broken blinds. There are three of them inside. We will each take one, but Jack is mine. The burley one with a protruding stomach and greasy hair. It’s the same guys we saw at the club. There is only one entrance into the trailer.
Nick and Jaden stay hidden on the side while I knock on the door. Once I knock, I hear movement.
“Who is it?” Jack asks through the door.
I stay silent and knock again until he opens the door and we can ambush him. I have my hand on the Glock in the back of my pants, ready to pull it out and place it against his head once I kick the door when he unlocks it.
“Who is it?” he repeats angrily, unlocking the door, not knowing torture and death are waiting for him.
Once I hear the click of the door unlocking, it’s our signal to ambush the trailer. I kick the door with full force. Jack staggers back in surprise, the door hitting him in the face as he howls in pain.
He reaches for his face as the crack of bone from the door has blood sliding down his cheeks. The other two are stunned and caught off guard while Jaden and Nick rush inside. They tie them up with rope on their knees, execution style, while they watch me place the Glock against Jack’s forehead.
“Ready to meet your maker, motherfucker?” I say.
“Who are you? What do you want?” he says shakily.I turn my head. Nick and Jaden have the other two gagged and kneeling with a gun to their head.
I look back at Jack’s greasy, disgusting face. “I told you I’d come for you. You took something from me,” I say through clenched teeth.
“If it’s money or drugs, I have nothing to do with it. I can give you what you want… just leave us alone and get the fuck out.”
Fucking coward. “Nah. It’s not about drugs or money. I don’t need drugs, and I have plenty of money. You took something that didn’t belong to you. You also took something from him that was never yours to take.” I point at Jaden. His eyes go wide, realizing I’m talking about Giselle and Brie.
“They’re just some whores that dance in a club. Why do you rich guys care about some small-town pussy?”
I push the barrel of the gun into his skin as the rage inside me boils to the surface at him calling them whores. “Call them whores one more time, motherfucker. You fucking raped them, you piece of shit. Now you will pay.”
I take out the wicked knife from the holster. His eyes go wide as the other two’s screams are muffled.
“What the fuck are you going to do with that?”
“Something that I’ve had to wait too long to do.”
I slice his face into pieces, watching the flesh split open, oozing blood, spilling crimson in the trailer’s stench. All the old memories come flooding back from my childhood rage.
He tries to scream as I hold his mouth with my gloved hand, silencing him. He falls to his knees, trying to hold his face, revealing the bone underneath. I roll him on his back and begin to slice his body, gutting him like a fish. I make sure to hit no major organs as I want him to suffer. His eyes roll back in pain, his greasy skin from his face dangling, and his disgusting teeth on display.