Page 65 of A Dark Duet
“You like raping our girls? I’ll show you what it feels like to be raped.”
His mouth gurgles with blood, spluttering. I pull off his disgusting pants with the stench of his body odor making me want to puke. I grab his pathetic excuse of a cock, take out another knife, and slice it open down to his balls as he bleeds out, twitching in the shock of pain. I look over at Jaden and Nick, watching me as the two other guys are screaming in terror, their cries muffled.
“Get to it! Don’t forget to cut it off.”
They both nod, taking revenge by doing the same. I turn back to Jack, and he is within an inch of his pathetic life. I get to work for another hour, mutilating his body in pieces. I stomp on his face, disfiguring it, shoving his pathetic cock in his mouth. Once we are done, we clean up and make sure we leave nothing that can trace back to us.
Jaden and Nick walk out, proud of their handiwork. We step out in the dark and ride into the night to a safe spot, burning our clothes to ashes. I change into a black T-shirt that says “The Reaper,” black jeans, and designer sneakers.
We leave the motorcycles with Jaden’s people, then we take off and ride back in the Escalade to the club. We are let in through the side door to the back showers. The owner is friends with Jaden and our solid alibi for tonight. Brie and Giselle are with Jake, according to security.
We shower and dress quickly, walking out to our awaiting table in the front VIP section. I sit down with the black box containing the engagement ring in my front pocket.
I spot Brie and Giselle talking to Jake, most likely about her choice of song. The club is full of athletes and fans. I even see Jace and Jason at a table to the right. They nod and salute us with their drinks in hand. I stare with a glare, rolling my eyes.
“Yeah, in your dreams,” I mutter under my breath.
People go live on social media showing the stage where Giselle will perform her final dance at The Porcelain Dollhouse. Some fans are even taking pictures of us from afar. I bet they’re having a field day posting about tonight.
Jaden said that there are no more spaces to sign up for Giselle’s dance studio. I smile at her from my table and she smiles, waving and blowing me a kiss. I mouth, “always.” Even from here, I can tell she’s blushing.
The club is playing “Enjoy Yourself” by Pop Smoke in the background, waiting for Jake to announce Giselle. The strippers are on the side, dancing for other customers.
I look at Nick and Jaden ordering drinks, then Nick looks at me.
“She’s the one, isn’t she?”
I nod my head. “Yeah, she is. I just hope she feels the same.” “Brother, that was fucking crazy,” he says excitedly.
I know he is referring to what we did and how I took care of our problem. Jaden is looking at Brie, talking to Jake animatedly with her hands, his hands balled up into fists with jealousy.
“Relax,” I tell him. “You know she wants you.”
“Right now, it doesn’t look like it.” He points up toward them by the DJ booth.
I chuckle. “Who would have thought you would fall for someone? You’re worse than I am in that regard. You don’t even take them to your house.” I grin.
“Look who’s talking,” he scoffs.
We both chuckle and Nick joins in.
“Are you ready to lay your ass out there for her?” Jaden asks.
“Yep, I’m ready.” I’m ready to accept her even if she says no.
I love her that much. The lights dim and it’s time. The spotlight is on the stage and I’m nervous as fuck. Phones are out, recording, there are people cheering, and the smell of marijuana, perfume, and alcohol is in the air. Jake is on the mic, introducing Giselle.
“It’s time for her final night at The Porcelain Dollhouse, her last dance inside the building. The beautiful, the talented Giselle, but here you know her as Miss Money Monroe! Make it rain, beautiful.” Money falls like rain from the air from the celebrity athletes and fans she has gained.
They chant her name. I smile because deep down, I know she is dancing for me. Whatever song she’s dancing to, will always be for me.
“Cherry”by Lana Del Rey plays through the sound system. She is on the top of the pole. She slides upside down, dressed all in white lingerie with garters and suede platform boots. My heart stops at how beautiful she looks with her hair down and her red, cherry lips.
My cock is fucking hard in my pants. She comes to me and sits on my lap, true to her word, rubbing her pussy on my cock, and her hands on my chest. My heart beats loudly, and she bends to show me her panties, marking her pussy. I grab her ass, gliding my hands up to her waist. She turns to me as the song breaks, singing about why she falls to pieces when she is with me.
The crowd in the background records us, the lights from their phones shining in the darkness. She glides her hands up to my face, kissing me softly, and the song echoes that she loves me, the love and desire plain on her face.
“I love you,” she says as the song ends. I grab the black box in my pocket, and she frowns for a split second, then her eyes widen as she realizes it’s a jewelry box.