Page 10 of A Promised Heart
The chief informed the braves and White Bear came out of a tipi. His eyes locked onto Hawk, with fire. He was a big man and Hawk knew it would be a struggle to the death from his expression.
"Who is this?" White Bear asked. He stood fairly tall, and strong, his nose snarling.
"I came for the white woman and baby."
"No, they are mine. I captured them." He started to turn away.
"The woman belongs to me!" Hawk insisted, with sign language. "I must take them back to the fort."
"Then you will fight for her!" White Bear stared him up and down with a smirk. Hawk knew this was inevitable. The white woman was his captive; he had rights to his thinking. Nevertheless, Hawk had sworn long ago to protect the woman and her children, he could not leave her to such a fate.
Hawk agreed.
Hawk wondered where she was. He didn't see her or the baby. Before he laid his knife down, he asked. "Is she alive?"
"She is!" White Bear spoke English to Hawk's surprise. He glanced at him again; this Indian had been around the whites too.
Then Hawk got ready for the fight. Their fists were tied together and both had knives in the opposite hand.
They circled one another, and then White Bear wrestled with him, trying to slash at him. Hawk seemed lighter on his feet than White Bear. He jumped and moved about so quickly that White Bear could not slash him.
Hawk recovered from each attack and attacked him.
Both being in such good shape, they scuffled for a long time, neither winning nor losing, but finally, as they grew tired. Hawk found an advantage and jumped White Bear. White Bear landed on his own knife and lay dying. Blood spilled and the look on White Bear's face was one of disbelief.
The old chief grunted and frowned.
"White woman is yours…But you cannot leave until tomorrow."
Hawk knew the customs of this particular tribe and realized he would not change the old chief's mind. It was better to compromise sometimes than fight an issue. He relented. He only hoped Matthew would do as he told him.
Two braves carried White Bear's body off, and the wailing of the women began.
A beautiful Indian maiden came out of one tipi and followed the body. Hawk knew instantly that she belonged to White Bear, but the look she shot him with her eyes said more.
He headed for the tipi where Eve was.
He found her in a corner sitting in the dark hovering over her little one. The baby was asleep.
"You all right?" He asked.
"Yes, I am Hawk."
"The one that watches over us…" She asked breathlessly knowing the answer before he spoke.
Eve's gaze drifted over him quickly trying not to admire him, nor flirt in any way.
"Why did you come here?" She asked her voice rising with fear.
"To help you and the little
one. Are you hurt?"
She looked down, "Only my feet…" She winced as she tried to move about.