Page 9 of A Promised Heart
After Hawk washed his face in the creek, he motioned for Matthew to do the same.
Then they went down the trail. Hawk saw signs of blood and wondered if Eve had been hurt or the baby. He was worried. The Comanche had little patience with white captives.
Before long, the encampment was spotted and Hawk and Matthew stared through the heavy brush at the camp.
"Are they there?" Matthew asked.
Hawk put his finger to his lips, to shush him. Then he nodded at him. He motioned for Matthew to follow and he did so.
Once they were in a clearing, Hawk touched his shoulders with his hands. "You must wait here. I will go into the camp, and make a bargain…"
"A bargain?"
"Will they trade them?" Matthew asked.
"I do not know, but somehow I will get them out. You must take care of yourself until I return, then we will leave quickly, understand?"
Hawk stared at him for a moment then bent down to look into his face. "If I do not return, you must leave and go to a town, and tell someone what has happened and where this village it. Do you understand?"
"Yes, but why wouldn't you come back?"
"I may have to fight and I may not win. The Comanche are clever fighters."
"You mean, you could get killed?"
"It isn't likely, but it is possible. So remember what I have told you."
"I will." Matthew nodded.
"Remember, to climb a big tree if you need to. I will find you."
Matthew nodded, "Good luck."
Hawk nodded and went back to the bushes. Now he reared up and walked proudly into the camp, as the Comanche crowded around him. Some hit him, some slapped him, some ignored him, and all challenged him.
When he saw the chief, he stopped and waited.
He was old and withered, but Hawk had great respect for his age.
"I come in peace, to trade…"
The old chief's eyes narrowed on him. He spoke in his language, and Hawk understood. He wanted to know what he wanted to trade for.
"You have white captives?" Hawk asked in the native sign language.
The chief nodded and asked why he wanted them.
Hawk used his military knowledge to persuade them. "Soldiers want them. It would mean peace if you give them to me. They are looking for them."
However, the old chief grunted and frowned. He let him know he did not trust the white-eyes.
"The white woman is mine, my woman." Hawk insisted. He knew to say this would bring trouble, but he had to claim her for he knew what the others would do to her if he didn't, and he would not let that happen.
The chief didn't trust Hawk. He let him know he would have to fight White Bear for the woman, as he was the one that captured her.
Hawk nodded.