Page 65 of A Promised Heart
They spent hours making love. But this was their time for it. This was as it should be. And he was even gentler with her now, showing her every delight. And she in turn pleased him in ways he never imagined.
The next morning after breakfast, they both needed a bath, so they went to the spring and bathed together. They took such delight in each other, lathering one another and exploring the excitement of their love.
A gentle rain came and they spent the afternoon inside the blanket. They made love again, and afterwards they took a long nap. When she woke up she was lying on her stomach, and he opened his eyes. He looked at her, all of her, and his hand ran over her backside. He began kissing her all over, and she moaned. His lips followed a path from the center of her back to the back of her neck as he flipped her hair away so he could nibble there.
She finally rolled over to stare up into his eyes.
"Why am I so in love with you, Hawk?"
"I don't know, I'm just glad you are."
"All my life I was rais
ed to think Indians were mean and bad. And yet, I fell in love with a man who watched over me and my children. And the love is so much stronger than any I've ever experienced. Perhaps I was never in love at all, until you came."
He rose up for a moment, "I think when you have to fight for that love, when you have to give up everything for that love, it becomes stronger."
"I would die for you Hawk! You must know that."
He stared now, his face serious. "I would not allow it."
"But I would. Gladly. I wanted you to know it. I want you to know how deep my love is for you. I know too, that you probably tire of me telling you such things. But it is important when we have such a barrier between us that both our people do not understand. It is important to express our love often."
"You are the strongest, most beautiful woman I have ever known."
"We'll make a good life together Hawk."
"Yes, we will."
She felt his manhood strengthen.
"Come inside me Hawk, and fill me with your love." She cried out.
And in one stroke he was inside her and kissing her.
He gently stroked her breasts as he kissed her into a wild submission. His tongue moved inside her mouth as he plunged himself deeper. She pulled him now with her muscles and nearly screamed with the ecstasy of their lovemaking. Climaxing together shattering the stars over them.
They slept once more, waking in the middle of the night to talk and be together as one.
"These people have been wonderful to us. Never judging us, and the ceremony and the preparations, as though we belonged with them."
"I think I will always consider these people a part of us now. They have completed our dream to marry. We owe them so much."
"I agree." Eve said as she packed up their things to return to the children. They took up their blankets, put on their clothes and went to get the children.
Hawk told the chief they were going to find a place to live. He talked to him about Salt Creek Flats.
The chief looked at him seriously now. He shook his head and advised him. "That is Cheyenne and Arapaho country now, reservation land. But I have something for you to consider. There is land not far from here, ten miles to the east, with creeks and good land. It is Shoshone land; you may live there, as long as there is peace within you. I give it to you…"
"I couldn't accept a gift like that?" Hawk shook his head.
"It would mean peace for you and your family. And it is important to start bridging the gap from the whites to the Indians. It is important to live in peace my son. So go in peace now."
"But why? Why give it to us?"
Black Eagle looked at him with wisdom. "Because you will have a hard enough time living in two worlds. Yet your love is as strong as any I have seen. My people, we are happy here. As long as the white-eyes will let us, we will be here. If we must go to reservations, we will go, but we will stay as long as we can. I will send Bended Knee with you to show you the way. The land is fertile, it will yield, and you will not be far from us. We will share in the fruits of your labor and if we go to the reservation, you can bring us food."
"I would do that too…" Hawk agreed.