Page 66 of A Promised Heart
"You will be blood brother to the Shoshone then?"
"We will have a ceremony and you will become blood brother with us. But promise to share peace with others as much as you can…"
"I promise you."
"Good. We will have the ceremony now and you will go to the land…"
"Many thanks to you and your people for all you have done for us."
Black Eagle nodded.
Hawk told Eve and the kids what had happened and they were so happy.
Soon the chief appeared and as the tribe stood and watched, Black Eagle cut his wrist and cut Hawks and they joined. "Now and forever, we are blood brothers."
"Now and forever, we are blood brothers." Hawk repeated.
"Go now…."
Bended Knee a husky Indian with a round race joined them and led them on the journey.
Chapter Nineteen
The journey was very hot.
They stopped many times to cool Jane Ann down and wipe Matthew's forehead.
The first night they camped out and found a creek nearby.
Hawk, Matthew, Bended Knee managed to kill a couple of sage hens so they had meat. Eve cooked potatoes and made gravy.
That night they all camped together closely, the kids glad to be back with them.
They lay talking about all the good times they shared in the Shoshone camp. Bended Knee rested on the other side of the fire, quietly. He wasn't much of a talker but he seemed to enjoy the children and he played a flute for them.
"Would you make me one?" Matthew asked him.
Bended Knee agreed to.
But he told him he would need a special kind of wood and if they found it, he would make it for him.
As Bended Knee played the flute, they all lay looking at the stars.
"Look at all those stars." Matthew smiled and reached his hand toward them. "They look so close."
"Some say that the earth, moon and stars are all part of the human souls that have lived before us." Hawk told them. "That they watch out for us, from there."
"So…grandpa and grandma could be up there?" Matthew asked.
"They could." Hawk smiled. "You know they are smiling down on you right now and guiding your pathway."
"Really?" Matthew seemed intrigued. "Is that where heaven is?"
Hawk glanced at him, "I do not know. I do not think any of us know where heaven is. But every now and then we get a glimpse of it here on earth."
"Maybe they get a ride on a star, so they can see us."