Page 89 of A Promised Heart
Chapter Twenty-Six
For days, Eve was in some kind of trance. She refused to sleep with Hawk, refused his kisses, refused him.
Jinx saw it and he decided to take things into his own hands.
When she went to the creek to wash dishes he came to sit beside her and talk to her.
"Eve, what happened was very bad. Nevertheless, what is happening now is even worse. You've turned your back on your husband, and your son is lost too, just like you. Life isn't easy. God never promised us easy. You have to know that. He gives us choices and expects us to accept the consequences of those choices. Hawk loves you truly. You are his life. He wants to make a family with you and live with you forever. You cannot turn your back on him after all the two of you have been through. You've found something most people only dream of, true love. You've promised your hearts to each other. Does that mean nothing?"
Eve seemed to listen, but she said nothing.
Jinx left her there, wishing he could make her see.
She went through all the motions of living for the next couple of weeks, but she didn't go near Hawk, and he was distraught.
Every day she was silent, was a day she grew further away from him.
She tended Jane Ann. She spoke with the others, but she did not acknowledge Hawk.
Finally one day Matthew came to her and stared at her.
She whipped around to see him staring at her. "Yes Matthew!"
"I gotta talk to you."
"Yes, I'm here…"
"No you're not." Matthew hollered at her.
"What are you saying? I am here."
"We were going to be a family, remember?" Matthew asked her, his face screwing up in a huge frown now.
"Matthew…I'm sorry. This is all wrong, honey. What I’m doing here, it's all wrong." She cried now, real tears, streamed down her cheeks. "We shouldn't be here."
"No it's not! I'm just a kid. But even I can see that it's you that is wrong, Ma. You love Hawk. I love Ha
wk, Jane Ann loves Hawk. It isn't wrong. We are a family. What happened doesn't matter…"
"I killed Matthew!" She screamed at him.
"So, it wasn't the first time." He blurted.
"What are you saying?" She frowned now, unable to comprehend what he was talking about.
"When the Comanche's came, you shot your gun at them, and you probably killed some. They are humans too Ma. You killed them without a thought to what you were doing. But for the same reason."
"What do you mean the same reason?"
"The Comanche threatened you, and you killed them. Those men, threatened you, the baby and Fawn, and you killed them. There's no difference Ma. You were protecting yourself, the baby and Fawn."
Eve stared at him for a long while. What he said made sense to her.
"I did shoot at the Indians, didn't I?"
"Yes, Ma. It took me a while to see it too. You were defending Jane Ann and me when the Comanche attacked. You were defending Fawn, the baby and yourself when those men came at you. It's the same thing. It's alright to defend Ma." Matthew cried. "Don't you see that? In the wilderness, where we live, death is as much a part of life as anything. We have to be strong."