Page 90 of A Promised Heart
She grabbed Matthew and hugged him. "Oh Matthew…you are right…I'm so sorry for the way I've acted, you were right… Where's Hawk?"
"He and Bended Knee went into the forest for more wood."
She smiled suddenly. "Watch Jane Ann for me, I'll be back."
She began to walk toward the forest, and then run.
"Hawk….Hawk!" She called.
No one answered.
She kept running and fear began to shoot through her like a poison arrow. "Hawk…where are you?"
She turned around several times, and almost lost her way, when she heard voices.
She followed the voices through the forest.
In her confusion she turned around, everything went black, and she fell to the earth in some void.
Little Eagle carried her back to camp.
Matthew came running up to him.
"What's wrong with her?" Matthew asked, his face screwed up in a huge frown.
"She has fainted. She will be alright."
"She was going after Hawk. Did you see him?"
"No…where did he go?"
"In the woods, with Bended Knee." Matthew told him.
"Bear, stay with the women and children. I will go for Hawk and Bended Knee."
Jinx saw the commotion.
Little Eagle spotted him and motioned him over. "You stay with the women and children. Me and Bear are going after Hawk and Bended Knee."
"Where are they?"
"They went in the woods. But no one has seen them…"
"Okay, don't you fret. I got my rifle." Jinx told them.
Eve was still out of it, and Fawn came to take care of her.
"She all right?"
"She will be," Fawn smiled.
"Hawk shouldn't leave camp without tellin' us where he's goin'." Jinx said.
Fawn nodded. "Yes, you are right."
Little Eagle and Bear found Hawk and Bending Knee, after traveling through many washouts, and quicksand swamps.