Page 80 of Be Free My Heart
Matt nodded, "Flatter land, lots of trees, and can probably get a bit of a homestead there."
Ferg studied on that a minute, then looked at the boys. "Boys, they want to build a house. And I told them if it's big enough for us, that was good, and we'd help. What say you to going to Texas?"
"Hadn't been there in a long time Ferg, but it is warmer." Colby murmured.
"Then let's go!" Ferg laughed.
Raz was up to his old strength and Ferg told the boys to keep an eye on him. If he got too weak, they'd make a travois for him. Raz insisted he was up to snuff, but it was strange how his personality seemed to have changed a bit. He wasn't as outgoing and funny any longer. Everyone noticed it.
But it was a long way to Texas, and mostly downhill.
"You know they got Comanche and Apache in Texas, don't you?" Ferg asked as they trekked along.
"Yeah, but I'm counting on Snow Bird being able to make friends with them, so they don't bother us. Besides, most of them are on reservations in Indian Territory." Matt told him.
"Yeah, I guess she could." Ferg nodded.
Matt let Snow Bird ride their horse as he walked along beside her. The others walked.
Being out among the stars again made all the men happier and content. Even Snow Bird enjoyed the fresh air. Matt realized what great friends he'd made and couldn't believe they were going to help him built a home. Ferg even helped him figure out how to set up the place, he figured Matt and Snow Bird deserved the main house, but he also thought a bunkhouse for them would be good, so they could stow their gear every time they came and not clutter up the house. And knowing Matt planned on having plenty of babies, he didn't want to crowd him. They'd build a good size barn and a tool shed to work in. It was a grand plan and the boys were quite excited to be a part of it.
"I really like the fact that we'll have a place to lay our heads no matter what comes."
"I like that we'll get to see you every year too," Matt told him.
"Hey, she's getting' pretty heavy with child now," Ferg noticed how Snow Bird was slowing down, how it was hard for her to bend and reach as much as she used to. Just getting on a horse was a chore for her. "She's gonna give birth before long." Ferg told him.
"It's good for her to ride, but a mid-wife once told me that just before they give birth, they should walk a good bit."
"Really, I thought she'd be too weak to walk."
"Said it made them stronger for the birthing." Ferg told him.
"How come you know so much about it?" Matt eyed him.
"I was married a time or two. Had me some younguns too."
"Oh, what happened?'
"First wife left me. Next time, like you, I took a squaw. We had three kids."
"So, what happened to them?"
"Nothing, she didn't want to follow me after the last kid. She stayed with her people. We weren't married really. Only by a chief. So, when I left, that was that."
"Didn't you ever want to see the kids again?"
Ferg stared off, as though thinking about it. "Matt, when an Indian chooses the Indian life, it's different. The kids weren't white anymore. She wanted to raise them there, so they'd be Indians. I didn't. We said our goodbyes. She wasn't mad, I was. What about you and Snow Bird?"
"She says she wants to see her sister, someday, but she doesn't want to leave me. She wants to stay with me, not her Indian husband."
"Good, I'm glad for you. Things don't work out when they go back to their people. It's just never the same."
"I hope I can keep her interested enough to stay." Matt smiled.
Ferg chuckled. "I think you been working hard on that."
Raz slept very restlessly that night and everyone paid attention. He mumbled in his sleep and tossed and turned.