Page 81 of Be Free My Heart
Matt got up in the middle of the night, and Ferg followed. "What do you think, Ferg?"
"Margaret told me it could show up as long as a year from when he got bit."
"That long?"
"It's been known to. We'll have to keep a close eye on him. He'll have to be restrained if we see that it is…."
"I don't look forward to that. Maybe he's just restless." Matt glanced as Raz seemed to be having a nightmare.
"I'm sure the experience is enough to cause him nightmares." Ferg nodded.
"Just the same, we'll watch him."
"Yeah, we'll have to." Ferg bent his head.
"Where did you fellas meet up from?" Matt asked curiously, since he couldn't sleep.
"We were all raised in the same area, knew each other as kids. When we got of age, we all took off together, to the mountains. Self-preservation had us hunting for food, then for hides themselves. Got so good at it, we decided to become trappers. We used to make a good living at it."
"Since the animals are scarcer now in the woods, why don't you all kind of quit and stay home then?"
Ferg studied on that a minute then looked Matt in the eye. "Can't do it. We are all so use to roaming the mountains, we'd feel kind of lost if we didn't do it some. But I reckon we could spend some time here every year, and then when the itch got us, we could take off again. Sounds kind of good, and we all appreciate having a home to come home to." Ferg smiled at him.
"It'll always be your home, Ferg, for all of you." Matt told him. "Now, tell me, that kiss you gave Margaret was a shocker. Do you like her?"
Ferg smiled as though he'd been caught at something, "Like her? What is not to like about a woman like her. She's well-seasoned, well mannered, great cook, and pretty for her age. I do. I plan to ask her to wed, if she'll have me. Although, she'll have to take me as I am. I travel. Either she travels with me, or she could stay with you until I come home. But I think she'll accept."
"I didn't know you were that interested." Matt smiled.
"Good women are hard to find, Matt." Ferg told him.
"That's for sure. I kind of wish Margaret was with us now, so she could be here when the baby comes." Matt told him.
"I honestly don't think Snow Bird is going to last much longer. That baby is gonna come."
"Do you think I should find a doctor?"
"No need."
"What do you mean?"
"Colby knows what to do."
"Colby?" Matt glanced at the man who was sleeping close to the fire. "How…I mean?"
"He had six kids himself. He helped deliver three of them. So, when her times comes, he can do what is needed for her. If you don't object."
Matt looked at Colby again, "Six kids, huh? Well no, I don't object, I want her to have some help, someone who knows about it. I sure don't."
"Then it's settled. No worries. It was Colby that told me her time is near."
"He did?"
"He said women get busies just before birthing. They get this energy about them. She's got that, it won't be long. He'll keep an eye on her. First sign we'll have to stop so she can have the baby."
Matt looked so relieved, "I'm obliged you telling me this. Sure, relieves my mind."