Page 87 of Be Free My Heart
The clerk was wearing some kind of hat that Matt had never seen the likes of before. "Can I help you?"
"I was wondering if there is any property about for sale." Matt asked curiously as he studied all the things in the office. There was a big desk and it was full of papers, and gadgets that Matt knew nothing of.
"Property for sale, well, not close no, but there some around south of here, if you're interested."
"We are, we need some acreage."
"There's the Lowell place, it's about seventy miles to the south. They been wanting to sell for some time."
Ferg studied the man, "How many acres?"
"Let me look that up." The clerk said and went to get a paper that he brought back for them to look at. "Says here it's 300 acres, got an old house, and a barn on it."
"Fifty miles south?" Ferg asked.
"That's right, take the road south of town, stay on it until you get to Mills Creek, the property should sit about five miles east of that." The clerk told him.
"How much they are asking for it?" Matt asked.
"Don't know, just know they been trying to sell it for some time."
"Is it a bad property or something?" Ferg asked.
"Naw…. not bad. But the Lowell's are an old couple, their kids done married and moved off, and they want to move into town so if anything happens someone would be around. The old man's too old to do much upkeep on the place. The property ain't close to nothing but it's got water on it." The Clerk informed them.
"Good. Then we'll talk to them. Thank you."
The clerk nodded and watched them all leave.
They went to eat at place that advertised food, and while they sat around waiting for their food, they discussed their finances.
"I've saved a couple hundred since I first left home, thought maybe someday I'd try to buy me a place, but I doubt it will be enough." Matt told the boys.
"Well, betwixt us we got probably two thousand dollars." Ferg told him.
"Two thousand dollars?" Matt gulped. "I haven't even seen that kind of money." Matt looked shocked.
Snow Bird took the baby from his cradleboard and held him in her lap, she nursed her baby, throwing a piece of a blanket she had made for him over her as she did so.
Matt grinned hearing the baby breathing hard at her breasts, "He eats like he wants a steak too."
After she fed him, Matt took him in his arms and held him.
"I really hate to take your money for this." Matt explained. As he rocked the baby a bit.
"Well don't. It's gonna be our home too. And when we get too old to roam, we'll be there all the time. It'll be something to look forward to." Ferg assured him.
"You sure you want to do this?"
Coon eyed him, "Don't fret so Matthew, it'll be our home too."
"Alright, I agree, our home!" Matt smiled and glanced at Snow Bird. Her eyes were shining no
w as he held their child close.
After they ate, they started for the Lowell place.
It took two days to get there, but they finally found it and stared at the place.