Page 88 of Be Free My Heart
"What do you think?" Matt asked Ferg.
"I think we done found us a home, that's what I think. We can work on the house some, add some to the barn and build a tool shed. And a big bunkhouse for us." Ferg was already figuring where they would build.
Matt liked the fact that they all had ideas about things and that they were all for buying the place, now if the owners would agree to a reasonable price, they'd be set.
Mr. and Mrs. Lowell were an old couple, past their sixties and Mr. Lowell didn't look in good enough health to keep up the place. He readily agreed to twelve hundred for everything, and the boys all agreed that they should take the deal.
Snow Bird watched as the Lowell's prepared to move out. They had their wagon loaded in two days and waved them all goodbye. Before they left, they told them to stop off at the land office in Waxahachie and sign the papers, and it would be all legal. Matt agreed.
So, while the boys and Snow Bird got familiar with the place, Matt and Ferg went back to Waxahachie and signed the papers making it a legal sale.
"Good luck to you," the clerk told them.
"Thanks." Matt and Ferg smiled.
"I could sure use a beer Matthew," Ferg told him when he spotted the saloon.
"Sure, why not." Matthew agreed as they walked toward the music playing from the saloon.
While enjoying a beer together they overhear a conversation about an Indian raid.
"Yeah, they burnt it to the ground." One man at the bar was saying.
"I thought they put them on a reservation in Indian territory." And older man said as he sipped his beer and wiped the sweat from his brow.
"They did, this is renegades who escaped, and the army is after them now." The first man said.
"What did the Lawson's do?" the older one asked.
"Not much they could do, said they'd move south where her folks lived, they were heartbroken they got four kids."
Matt looked at Ferg. "That doesn't sound good."
"Might as well understand that now. We'll build us some solid cabins and make sure it can hold up to something like that, but maybe the army will get them before they cause any more trouble."
"That's a lot of maybe's, Ferg. Now if Snow Bird could talk to them, we might stand a better chance."
"These are renegades, don't know if even she could talk them down." Ferg told him. "We can talk to her and see what she thinks on it though."
"Good idea. Guess we better be getting back."
"Yeah, sounds like it." Ferg downed his beer and they left.
They rode home quickly, stirring the dust up as they went.
But already the men were working on fixing the corral and doing some repair work on the main house. No one had to tell them what to do, they just saw things that needed fixing and did it.
The old man that sold them the place had some lumber in the barn, but obviously he just couldn't handle the repairs himself.
The boys came up to them, "What you so all fired in a hurry about?" Coon asked as he grabbed the reins of Matt's horse.
"There's been some Indian trouble on the other side of Waxahachie, renegades." Ferg told them as he dismounted.
"Well, you'd think they was chasin' you the way you two were riding." Doolin chuckled.
"Just wanted to get back and we gotta talk to Snow Bird about this."
Doolin nodded, "She's in the house, cleaning right now."