Page 90 of Be Free My Heart
Everyone agreed his plans were good, and Matt set the plans to paper, so nothing was forgotten.
When everything was finished, they'd check the fence line and see if it would hold a few cattle they thought would be a good thing too.
"This is gonna be some place," Matt smiled.
"Yeah," Ferg nodded. "You might even have a few jealous neighbors when we are through."
Matt laughed at that, but Ferg wasn't laughing.
"What's so funny?" Ferg asked.
"I don't think we have any neighbors right now." Matt told him.
"Good point." Ferg chuckled.
Since they hadn't had to pay all their money on the property, they had money to build with, but Doolin, and Colby busted a lot of trees down in the back, so they wouldn't have to buy timber. They were good with their hands and they taught Matt a lot.
Snow Bird brought them food and water and Coon always managed that afternoon nap with the baby.
It took all summer and part of the fall to finish all the buildings. Winter wasn't far off.
Matt looked at them all as they sat down to have supper that night, "Will you stay through this winter?"
Ferg nodded, "Yeah, we'll wait until spring to leave again. When we go, we'll leave Coon here to help around here."
"Why me?" Coon asked.
Ferg chuckled, "Well, how else is little Matt going to get his afternoon nap?"
Coon blushed, "You got a point. I'd miss him something terrible."
"Then it's settled, you'll stay with them as we go north again."
Coon nodded, "Suits me fine." He smiled and tickled the baby who was now sitting in a homemade highchair at the table.
Chapter Twenty-One
Now that Matt and Ferg had built some rather handsome beds, Matt and Snow Bird made love in complete comfort. During the hot summer months, he had slept with her naked with no cover, and closing their bedroom door so no one would come in. The baby had a room to itself, but Coon had started sleeping in the room with him, so Matt and Snow Bird wouldn't have to get up in the middle of the night if he cried or woke. That suited them fine, they felt fortunate to have Coon with them.
But now, winter was coming on, and they delighted in cuddling together under the covers.
"Do you regret not going north, to your people?" He asked one night as he cuddled her naked body against his own under the blanket. His hand was always roaming over her, and she delighted in his foreplay.
"No, I am so happy with you, that I want to be with you always. My sister has her husband now, she will be happy, I know that. My returning might make them both feel obligated. Besides, this is my life now. I love our home and our big family, too."
"It warms me that you feel that way. Maybe someday we can go with Ferg and the boys north to visit, but I too don't want to leave our home."
"I will miss the boys when they leave, but I'm very glad Coon will be with us."
"Me too, he's a blessing, and the baby loves him." Matt smiled.
"I never thought I'd have such a heaven like this…" Matt whispered in her ear.
"And I never thought I'd find anyone like you…" she whispered.
His hand drifted downward, parting her legs gently, he rubbed her sweet love nest until she squirmed.
His glance fell to her lovely breasts that had filled out now since the baby had come. He bent to kiss one nipple. "You know you were right. I am a bit jealous