Page 91 of Be Free My Heart
of the baby getting to sup against you all the time."
She smiled, "I knew you would be."
He nudged her other breast and tasted it. "I like that you sleep naked next to me all the time, so I can look, taste, and make love whenever we want."
"Which is most every night," she giggled.
"Do you mind?" He whispered softly.
"No, I am glad." She turned to look into his face now. "I love how you touch me, kiss me, make love with me. I want it always to be this way. I am yours and you are mine."
"I want you sweetheart," he cried, as he covered her lips with his own.
"I love those words," she sighed when she came up for air.
"We are good together, Snow Bird." He said and went down to her belly. "It's time I filled you with my seed, so we can make another baby."
She raised up and pulled him up to her, "I was going to wait, but I cannot keep it a secret long. I am pregnant again."
His mouth opened, and he stared with such open delight that she nearly laughed. "Are you sure?"
"My monthly has not come for two months. I am sure, for I am not sick."
"My God, sweetheart, that makes me so happy." He cried and kissed her passionately.
"You are not mad?" She asked.
"Mad? Honey, I told you, I want lots of babies." He smiled and kissed her again.
"As many as God will give us, then." She told him.
He cradled her in his arms, then kissed her everywhere, bending down so he could kiss the sweetness of her love nest, he kissed, nudged and played there, and making her nearly scream with the need for release, then he entered her, and they made wild abandoned love for a nearly an hour. He'd pull out, arouse her even more, then gently edge himself inside her warm nest.
"You are my life woman!"
She smiled as she moved to kiss his chest. 'I cannot believe we are so happy."
And just as she said it, the orgasm between them exploded and they held each other in a clutch for long lingering moments as the million stars exploded all over them. She sighed with such contentment.
He kissed her as the orgasm seemed to stretch into eternity. She closed her eyes absorbing it.
"We will always be as one," she cried.
When they collapsed against each other, they kissed and loved on each other for a long time.
He cuddled her into him, his hand going to her belly where he held on to the notion that another son or daughter was growing inside her.
The next morning, as they all gathered at the table to eat, Matt grabbed her hand and pulled her into his lap, then looked up at everyone, "We're having another baby now."
Everyone shouted at once, the smiled and congratulations went around the room like a firecracker going off.
Later Ferg lit his pipe and stared at them, "You sure don't waste much time, boy."
"Got a big house now, gotta fill it." Matt laughed.
Everyone laughed.
That winter began early and was cold in a different way than they were used to. The snow wasn't fluffy and here, it was hard, and ice was beneath it, so it made walking difficult. The bought salt to make things easier and they took turns helping Snow Bird around outside as they didn't want her slipping and falling.