Page 91 of My Captured Heart
Red Hawk walked along the creek banks with Little Feather. "We will be married soon, are you happy?"
Little Feather looked up into his eyes and a shy smile spread over her face, "I cannot believe you chose me as your bride."
"You are beautiful, sweet, and have all the makings of a great chief's wife. With you by my side, I will lead well. A chief's wife has many duties, but the first is to please and help her husband. I chose you because I fell in love with your sweetness." He smiled into her face. "I cannot wait to make you mine, and take you to my people, they will love you."
"Have you many adoring maidens there?" she asked.
"Many," he sent her a teasing smile, "But none as beautiful as you. Do not fear, I have never chosen a wife. When I saw your face, I fell in love…" he declared.
"My face?"
"Yes, my sweet. But the day I spoke to Luki, that impressed me. You were so glad I turned her away."
"I do not want to speak out of turn, but she is evil." Little Feather declared.
"I know this, I saw it in her eyes." Red Hawk declared, she will cause trouble for Hannah I'm afraid."
"Yes, I fear for Hannah, she has been so mistreated, I wish only good for her… "
"That's what I love about you, my sweet, you care so much about others. That is the kind of wife I need. But tell me, do you think you can come to love me as much as Lone Wolf?" He asked staring into her face.
"Lone Wolf was my youth, he never looked upon me like you do. I thought of him as a great man, sort of hero worship… "
"And me… what do you think of me?" he teased.
"You are a great warrior chief, who teases me, who makes me smile, and who kisses like the devil… "
He chuckled, then bent his head to kiss her.
She wrapped her arms around him and the kiss went on for a long time. "My feelings for you, are much different. I have only known you a short time, but your laughter, your wisdom, makes me swoon. My heart is full of love for you and I can't explain the feelings. I have not known you long enough to have such feelings."
"Love is not measured by time."
"The look in your eye tells me we will be very happy together. But tell me, do you not have other wives?"
"No, I am much like my cousin, I will take only one, and I have chosen you. I have searched for a wife for some time. None came. My tribe is full of pretty women, but the don't have what I seek."
She smiled and looked up into his face, "What do you seek?"
"A woman with much understanding, much wisdom, much heart. A woman who needs my laughter, as I need her thoughtfulness and love. There are many like Luki, few like you. Sometimes, because I am chief I am very serious, and stern, I need a woman who can turn my heart and make me see the right way. You are such a woman."
"How do you know that?" she asked.
"You loved Lone Wolf from afar, but when Hannah came, you took her to your heart and loved her. You could have been like Luki, hateful and mean, but you were giving and kind. That is what I seek. But the one thing I must know from you now is have you put Lone Wolf away yet?"
She stared at the ground for a long moment, but there was a smile on her face now. "I admired Lone Wolf, he was fair and good like his father. But it is not the same feeling I have come to have for you. I never kissed Lone Wolf, never held his hand, never saw into his heart. When you turned Luki away, so that she would not hurt Hannah, I was impressed at your instant wisdom. You have a gift that I seek too."
"Oh, and what is that, my love?" He smiled wickedly at her.
"The gift of laughter." She chuckled. "I need that. I feel my life with you could be joyful. When you look at me, sometimes, your eyes look deep, I feel that. No man has looked at me so. No man has reached in to see my soul, except you… " she smiled shyly at him now.
His smile grew serious as he stared down into her eyes, "Looking at you, is like seeing a vision, I know we are meant to be together. I knew it the moment you raised your shy eyes to look upon me. You looked at me, and there was the Creator telling me, you were the one!" He kissed her tenderly.
She swooned, "I have fallen in love with you so quickly, my head spins, but I look into your eyes and know what you say is true. The Creator deems it so."
"Yes, and I cannot wait to make you mine." He smiled tenderly at her, his hand caressing her cheek.