Page 92 of My Captured Heart
She blushed.
"Do you fear leaving Hannah and the others and going with me to my tribe?"
She took his hand, squeezed it and looked upon him once more, "No… with you I fear nothing." She told him.
"I never thought when I came here that I would find you. I had almost given up hope of making anyone my wife. I felt such a loneliness inside, you have wiped that loneliness away."
She took his hand, "You will never be lonely again," she told him.
"You make me happy, proud, anxious to show you to my people. I want them to see what I have sought for so long."
"I am afraid to be this happy." She cried.
He tipped her chin, "Do not be afraid, the Creator has blessed us, of this I am sure."
She stared up into his charming face, "I am sure of that."
They walked back to the tipi, he kissed her goodnight and as he was passing he heard a shrill sound coming from Lone Wolf's tipi.
He peaked in and saw Hannah standing in the middle of the tent, sweating and shaking with fear. At her
feet were many rattlesnakes. She was so still, and yet, he saw the fear in her eyes.
Lone Wolf was behind him, and he saw.
"Do not move." Lone Wolf told her.
"Go get Metusi, he knows how to handle them." Lone Wolf told Red Hawk. Red Hawk went to the elder's tent and told him of the problem. The elder nodded and after gathering some burlap he followed Red Hawk.
When they arrived, Hannah was sweating and began to cry.
"Sweetheart, just as the whip touched your back, ignore the danger here and let Metusi work to collect them."
She didn't even nod, she just stared into his eyes, and a calm settled over her.
Metusi came closer, there were five snakes, he reached down and took one by the head and stuck him in the sack. He did this over and over until all the snakes were in the bag. Then he took them away. He was like the oldest medicine man of the tribe and he knew how to handle such things. He had done it many times. He was not afraid, he knew exactly how to wait to grab them, how to charm them into a calm.
When he collected them all, he took them to eat and cut their rattles off. He was pleased with his catch. He stared at Hannah with a smile as he walked away.
Hannah stood there shaking, and Lone Wolf came to hold her close. "You did fine… " he told her holding her protectively.
Lone Wolf looked at Red Hawk, "Luki did this."
Red Hawk nodded. "She is a deadly woman."
Little Feather saw the commotion and came to see what was wrong.
Lone Wolf looked at her, "Stay with Hannah, will you. We have to go get Luki."
"What happened?" Little Feather looked alarmed at Red Hawk.
"She set rattlesnakes in the tent."
Little Feather's eyes widened, "She must be stopped!"
"Yes, today!" Lone Wolf's mouth firmed, and he looked at Red Hawk.
They left and Little Feather held Hannah close, "She has gone too far, this time."