Page 93 of My Captured Heart
Hannah nodded, "I did not know she hated me so badly to want me dead."
"She has lost her conquest, but even her own tribe will not her excuse this." Little Feather affirmed.
Hannah hugged Little Feather now, glad she was with her.
When Lone Wolf and Red Hawk entered the Cheyenne camp, most were asleep, but he awakened them with his flute he had carried on his hip.
Several elders came out and looked at them.
When Lone Wolf told of Luki's stunt the elder went to tell the chief, Running Wolf.
Running Wolf had Luki brought before the campfire.
"You have been accused of trying to kill the Chief's wife, is it true?"
Luki stared at Lone Wolf and Red Hawk. "They lie, they cannot prove anything."
But the elder found a burlap sack in her tent and a stick that is made to catch them. He brought it out and showed the chief.
Luki looked worried now. Finally, knowing she was caught, she yelled, "He rejected me. I offered myself to him and he rejected me. Once the white woman was dead, he would take me as his wife… "
Lone Wolf came to stand in front of her, "I would never take you as my wife." His eyes were full of hate for her now. "She came to me, and stripped herself of clothes, offering herself. She shamed herself. I would not have such a woman."
"Is this true?" Running Wolf asked.
"We were supposed to marry, he shamed me!"
He looked at the warrior beside him, "Take her away while I decide her fate."
The disgust in the chief's voice told Lone Wolf he would try and punish her according to their law. He was satisfied. "My wife could have been killed Running Wolf, I cannot allow her on my land any longer."
"She has shamed us many times, no longer. She will be put to death, for she cannot be allowed to hurt others."
"I am sorry it has come to this." Lone Wolf told him.
Running Wolf stared at him, "I too am sorry. I would have married her years ago, but she shamed me too, and I would not have her. She has devils in her heart."
Red Hawk was silent but listened with great interest.
"I would cast her out, but she would find someone else to hurt or bother. It cannot go on. The devil is with her, she shames her own people."
Lone Wolf bowed his head, "Then I leave her fate in your hands."
"Thank you!" Running Wolf extended his hand to him and they shook.
Red Wolf bowed his head.
As they went back to the Arapaho camp they were silent. "She could have been so much more… " Red Hawk told him.
"Yes, but she has sealed her fate now. Shamed her own people. Not to mention terrorized Hannah."
But little did they all know that Metusi had put one of the snakes in her tent. The next morning, Luki was dead.
No one knew who did it, or if it was just her own fate, no one cared. The matter was taken care of.
The next day Hannah sat very quietly after breakfast. "Something bothering you my sweet?" Lone Wolf asked.