Page 32 of Finding Her
Aiden got to his feet and helped Lucy up.
They walked back to camp to find three Sioux warriors sitting on three beautiful Paints.
Lucy walked up to them, she pet one of the horses then looked up at them, she spoke to them and turned to Aiden and Angus.
"They will ride with us to the camp." She told him.
"Tell them there is fatback and biscuits if they are hungry.
The Indian got down and ate and talked to Lucy and Aiden for a while. Angus got up and Pumpkin followed.
Lucy nodded with a smile.
They helped keeping the fire going by bringing more wood, and they talked with Lucy, Pumpkin, Angus and Aiden.
They were all laughing and suddenly Gloria walked up to them. "Have you asked them about Peggy?" she asked.
Lucy shot to her feet, pulling Gloria away from them. "We will get to that later, these are not the men to talk to."
"Gloria," Mr. Winters called to her and she went to sit with him and eat. It was obvious she was upset, but she didn't say another word.
"If you want to get Peggy back, it would be wise to keep your mouth shut. You aren't running this show…" her husband said loud enough for the others to hear.
Chapter Seven
When they finally reached the Sioux camp, they were approached by several warriors, when Lucy told them what they had come for and who she needed to speak with, they took the others to a tepee. And a warrior stood outside, as though guarding them.
There was much going on in the camp, many teepees were set up and someone was beating a drum. Children ran about, playing. Women were cooking. Warriors were sharpening knives and tomahawks.
Gloria and Frank watched in pure fascination. Obviously, they'd never been in an Indian camp before.
"I thought it would be different somehow." Gloria mumbled.
Aiden looked at her, "You thought Indian did nothing but prepare for war?"
"I guess I did. But they are sharpening their knives and tomahawks. So, I would suppose they are getting ready."
"That is an everyday thing for them. As they are great hunters and kill their food every day. They are just people, a different language, a different culture, but still just people."
Lucy had been led into a well decorated teepee. Aiden watched from a distance. He knew she was speaking with Sitting Bull himself at this moment. He hadn't thought about the dangers Lucy might be in. He couldn't stop worrying over her. After all, he got her into this.
He wouldn't be telling Gloria and Frank his concerns either. He paced inside nervously. No one else knew how much he had asked of Lucy to help with the child.
Angus came up to him after a long while, "She's been gone a while. You think it's a good sign?"
"I hope so."
"Yeah… " Angus nodded. "You know as well as I the chances are slim, she can pull this off for them."
"With anyone else, I'd agree, but she has some real powers, Angus. They really believe she is a Spirit Woman. Although they aren't her people, they believe it too."
"I guess that's in our favor, then." Angus replied as he looked around too.
"That Gloria woman has sure been quiet. I thought she'd be walking the floor."
"Lucy talked with her. She knows she'll do her best to get the child back."