Page 33 of Finding Her
Pumpkin said something to Angus, and he repeated it. "She says if anyone can pull it off, Lucy can. She has heard of her power for some time and she believes in her too."
Aiden shot Pumpkin a smile. "Lucy really likes her, says she has a sense of humor."
"All her people are that way. At least, once you get to know them. Unless you are from the wrong tribe, they are really friendly. They like trading."
"What's wrong? Why are you so tense?" Gloria demanded to know. "They won't hurt us, will they?"
"I'm not nervous for us. I am for Lucy, though."
"Yes, Lucy. She is speaking with one of the most powerful chiefs in this territory. She's the one sticking her neck out for you, ma'am. They take this mourning war very seriously. It is justice to them. A life for a life. That's how they see it."
"Why? I thought these were her people."
"Her people are the Cheyenne, these are Sioux, and they aren't exactly friendly right now. Not after what Custer pulled."
"What do you mean, what did he actually do?" Gloria asked.
"He led a raid on the women and children of the camp while the warriors were gone. They killed many women and children. What she asks of them is not something they will like. We interrupt their mourning war and they will be upset with her about it. But they just might fear her enough to listen."
"Fear her? Are you serious?" Gloria almost laughed.
"Very. She might be little, but she has a power of understating that surpasses most people. She understands everything but herself."
"Why would they fear her?" Gloria scoffed.
"It is known to all the Indians in this area that she is a Spirit Woman. It's her hair mainly. It is an unusual color for one so young, and her crystal blue eyes. They look at her, and think she has power. They will listen to her and pray to their Creator and if he accepts her wish, they will give you the child."
A drum beat in the distance, it meant they were in the sweat lodge and praying.
The drums were constant now.
Gloria came up to him, "What's taking so long? What are those drums for?"
Aiden glanced at her and answered. "This is no easy task and you must learn now to be patient if you want your child back. What she must ask them is not something they will want to do. But since she is a Spirit Woman, they will listen to her. The drums mean she has gone into the sweat lodge to have a vision."
"Spirit Woman?" Gloria questioned, a brow shooting upward. "Visions, you believe in all of that too?" she scoffed at him again.
Aiden nodded. "Yes, I do. I have seen her heal the sick at ten years old. I have seen her stop attacks, start attacks. She has that much influence over them. It doesn't matter what I or you believe, it's what they believe. She possesses great wisdom. Like a Shaman, a medicine man if you will. She has understanding for all peoples. It is a gift, she calls i
"I see. So, they will listen to her, because of this?"
"Yes. Otherwise, you'd have no chance of getting your child back without her. No chance at all. And they'd probably kill us all."
Mr. Winters joined them now. "So, it's all up to this young lady?"
"That's right." Aiden nodded.
"You really think she possess such a power?" Gloria laughed.
"It's not important what I think, it's what they think. I've always been told that the power of suggestion is a mighty thing. And who are we to judge?" Aiden reminded her.
"Well, I suppose you are right about that." Gloria firmed her lips, "I suppose if she succeeds, I will owe her greatly."
"Yes ma'am, you will." Aiden nodded again.