Page 53 of Under His Obsession
I grin. “Yeah, it has been fun.” I put my hand around her waist and lead her back to the stairs. We descend slowly, and she runs her hand along the wooden rail. But my grin turns to a frown as I go over my conversation with my brother. Khloe studies me, concern etched in her eyes.
“Are you sure you’re okay?”
“Yeah, it’s just. Alec and Tate and even Summer are on me about getting married.”
“Ah, I see.”
“I don’t need a wife to make me happy.”
“Just like I don’t need a husband,” she says.
I eye her. “Do you still love him?”
“My ex, you mean?” I nod, and she exhales.
“No, I don’t. I’m glad I woke up before I found myself in a controlling marriage.”
“But someday you’d like to get married?”
She gives me a very unladylike snort, and it makes me smile. I like that she’s herself around me, doesn’t pretend to be something or someone else. I’m used to pretense from the women in my circle, especially the ones looking to marry up. It’s hard to know who’s real and who isn’t. I appreciate Khloe’s honesty.
“I’ve given up on the idea. Besides, right now, after my last job, I need to concentrate on me.”
I give her a nudge. “Maybe while you’re here, you can write that book you talked about.”
“I would.” She pauses and gives me a seductive smile. “But I think my boss is about to start keeping me up late at night. He’s an ogre, you know.”
I laugh, the tightness in my chest easing a bit, as we talk openly. I’m not usually like this with women. But she’s not any woman, is she? She’s open and real, and I kind of like that we have this easy banter. I chuckle inwardly. Christ, with the ease she can get things out of people, she’d make a good reporter.
“You know, I have a lot of connections in the publishing ind—”
She holds her hand up to stop me. “Will, I appreciate that but—”
“But you need to do everything on your own.”
She nods. “I want to get there on my own merit, you know. I want the validation that I can do it.”
“I understand.” Her dark eyes are serious as they move over my face, like she’s not sure if I really can understand. “I get it, Khloe. Sometimes, though, it’s okay to get by with a little help from a friend.”
She smiles. “Is that what we are?”
“Friends?” I nod. “Yeah, I like that. I like the idea of us being friends.”
“With benefits,” she says, and nudges me.
“I like that, too,” I say, and laugh. “Come on, let’s get that ice cream, and I have one more stop to make before I take you home and have my way with you.”
We go down the rest of the stairs, the noonday sun beating on us. We find an ice cream stand and both get double scoops. A few minutes later, we’re in the car, headed to the middle school. We finish our cones as I drive.
“Where are we?” Khloe asks, as she takes in the old school and the new one in construction behind it.
“This is where Bevey’s daughter goes.”
“Oh, you wanted to say hi to her?”
“Something like that.” I look into a field where the kids are seated at picnic tables. “Do you want to wait here?”
“No, I’ll come.”