Page 54 of Under His Obsession
We slide from our seats and walk toward the kids, who are all dressed in the same uniforms and eating boxed lunches. When they see me, they jump up and run our way.
“Whoa,” Khloe says, as they huddle around me. “I guess you’re well known here.”
“Kids, kids,” Amelia says, and claps her hands. “Come finish your lunches.” After a few grumbles the kids all file back to their seats.
Khloe casts me a curious look. “Aren’t you popular?”
“I have a way with kids,” is all I say.
“Uncle Will. Uncle Will,” Chardane says, and waves me over.
“Come meet Bevey’s daughter.”
“She calls you Uncle Will?”
“I’ve known her since she was born.” Khloe follows me across the sunburned grass, and I note all the girls at the table are coloring as they eat their sandwiches. I go down on one knee to talk to Chardane. She gives me a hug, and I introduce her to Khloe.
“Is she your girlfriend?” Chardane teases in her childlike voice. All the girls around the table chime in and rib me about my “girlfriend.”
“She’s my friend,” I assure them.
“Good, because Chardane wants to marry you,” one of the girls says.
Chardane turns red and glares at her friend. “Annie!” she cries out. “That was a secret.”
Beside me, Khloe is muffling a laugh, and I catch Amelia’s eye as she looks on with concern. I scrub my hand over Chardane’s head.
“I’m an old ogre,” I say. “Just ask Khloe.” I look past Chardane’s shoulders. “Besides, I think that boy two tables over might like you.” Chardane spins and then makes a face.
“Chad is a butthead.”
“And he picks his nose,” the girl to Chardane’s right adds.
I laugh at that and stand. “I need to go talk to your teacher. Will you girls take care of Khloe for me?”
They snuggle together to give Khloe room on the bench. “Will you be okay for a minute?”
“Coloring is my favorite pastime.”
I walk with Amelia until we’re out of earshot.
“It’s good to see you, Will.” Amelia pushes her thick dark hair from her shoulders, her brown eyes full of concern.
“You, too. How are things?”
“Overcrowded classrooms and overworked teachers.”
“I’m waiting to talk to Gra
nddad, to see if he can find someone at the staffing agency that can take the position.”
“Even one more teacher will make a difference,” she says.
“No sicknesses, with the mold?”
“We keep the window open and the school ventilated. The new school will be ready before the rainy months, and we have you to thank for that.”
“You don’t have to thank me. It’s the least I could do.”