Page 51 of The Wicked In Me
“But she doesn’t seem to want the easily attainable ones. I suppose if you’ve lived as long as she has, you’d need challenges to keep the boredom at bay. And you’dhaveto keep the boredom at bay unless you wanted to go stir crazy.”
Wynter nodded. Merely an hour of boredom could drive her insane. Eons of it would fuck with her mind for sure.
“How do you feel about the Ancients all knowing you were exiled from Aeon?”
“Now that I know for sure that they won’t side with the Aeons, I’m not too worried about it. But … I feel like there’s something they’re not telling me.”
“Really? About what?”
“I don’t know. I really don’t. It’s just … you should have seen the way Azazel’s eyes lit up when I told them everything. Seth seemed just as revved about how badly the Aeons want me. I don’t think I’ve ever seen any Ancient or Aeon look like that. They’re not easily moved by anything.”
“How did Cain react?”
“He was a little more introspective than the other two, but I sensed some extreme satisfaction wafting from him. They’re all loving that the Aeons want something they have.”
Xavier’s brows dipped. “There’s a lot of bad blood between the two camps, right? Maybe it’s simply that.”
“Maybe,” conceded Wynter, recalling Cain explaining their craving for revenge.
“What are you two whispering about?” demanded Anabel.
“Your weird foot fetish,” replied Wynter, straight-faced.
Hattie frowned at the blonde. “You have a foot fetish?”
Anabel jerked back. “What? Ew, no.”
Xavier chuckled.
Just then, Delilah plopped into the seat that she’d earlier vacated in order to use the bathroom. “Seems like I got here just in time,” she said as Ishtar stood.
Like the previous night, the Ancient thanked everyone for coming and all that jazz. She also passed on her gratitude to Azazel for organizing this particular celebration, though said gratitude was stiffly spoken—something that seemed to amuse him. Wynter got the sense that the two Ancients didn’t get along so well.
In no time at all, the action began. And itwasaction. Azazel had arranged for Olympic-like games to take place in the performance space. All were dangerous and death-defying, especially the crazy-ass chariot races. A lot of gasping and cursing came from the spectators.
During the interval, food and drinks were given out. Wynter barely tasted her meal, far too conscious of how closely she was being watched by both Cain and Ishtar. The other Ancients often looked Wynter’s way as well … as if it wasn’t rude to idly observe someone like they were a damn zoo animal in a cage.
Finally, the interval was over. A lone male waltzed into the performance space. She’d never met him before, but there was something familiar about him.
“Does anyone know who that is?” she asked.
“His name is Bowen, he’s one of Azazel’s aides,” replied Delilah. “He’s a berserker.”
And then it clicked. “He’sgotto be related to Grouch.” Wynter would bet good money on it. “The resemblance is there.”
Delilah’s brow furrowed. “Grouch as in the smithy who pissed you off earlier?”
“Yeah, that Grouch.”
“Ididhear that he followed some of his relatives to Devil’s Cradle. They didn’t all seek refuge here at the same time.”
“That would explain why he’s in Azazel’s service while Grouch and Annette are in Cain’s.” Wynter stilled as a rumble of power split through the air.
In the performance space, a portion of the floor shimmered and rippled. The sand dispersed, and a grating sound rang through the arena as a stone platform rose to the surface. Bordered by rope, it resembled a boxing ring.
Using a microphone, Bowen addressed the spectators as he said, “Now for our next event … This is the battle square. As you can no doubt see, there is magick embedded in the stone. It is spelled so that any injuries people receive while within the square will immediately heal. But the wounds will notfeelhealed to whoever receives them. More, the injuries will notlookhealed. In fact, they will seem so real and will hurt the ‘injured’ so much that it will play tricks on their mind. They will believe they are wounded, bleeding, weakening—maybe even dying.”
Well, how delightful was that.