Page 52 of The Wicked In Me
“The ropes are also spelled,” he went on. “They contain any magick, energy, or power that’s released within the square.” He flicked his hand, and then a rack of swords came into view. They were all pretty basic—long, straight blades attached to a hilt. “So … do we have any volunteers?”
It was almost amusing how quickly people snapped up the opportunity to engage in a fight. No one particularly cared who their opponent was—they just wanted the release that came with violence.
The brawls probably shouldn’t have been so entertaining, but they were. Especially whenever one of the fighters was someone who’d laughed when she asked for a job—then Wynter becamereallyinvested in the duels.
Pretty much everyone was disappointed when the stone platform returned to the sand. But then the weirdest thing happened. Power again rose in the air, and then a lengthy ditch appeared, stretching from one end of the performance space to the other. It was surrounded by ropes, just like the battle square.
“This here is the gauntlet,” Bowen announced. “Like the square, it is spelled so that injuries immediately heal but don’tseemhealed. This time, we’re not looking for volunteers. The participating groups will be chosen at random.”
He paused as another male strode toward him holding a glass bowl. “The names of every pack, lair, nest, coven, etc. is inside this bowl. For whichever groups are chosen, the objective is for them to battle their way through the gauntlet. This will not be easy, since soldiers will soon fill the ditch. They will not be real soldiers, but they will look real, and they will move to kill.
“Any participants who ‘die’ will be spat out of the gauntlet while the remainder of their group continues to fight. Participants may shift shape, use weapons, fight with magick, use any preternatural ability, or even adopt a combination of all. Whichever group finishes the gauntlet in the fastest time will receive a cash prize.”
Bowen dipped his hand into the bowl and pulled out a small, folded piece of paper. He then read out the name of a mage conclave. A demon lair was called out next. Then a fey court, and last but not least … “The Bloodrose Coven.”
Wynter exchanged solemn glances with her crew. Wonderful. Just wonderful.
Dutifully, they slid out of their row and began to make their way to the performance space.
Delilah sidled up to her. “Seems awful convenient that our coven was chosen when Bowen’s related to a person who said you’d regret not taking the job they offered you.”
Behind them, Xavier made a sound of agreement. “I’m thinking this is fixed.”
“Cain threatened they’d pay if they fucked with me,” said Wynter.
“Yeah, but berserkers are spiteful bastards,” Delilah reminded her. “They don’t know how to back down. And this isn’t something that can be pinned on them, is it? Seems totally random.Seems.”
Finally, they all reached the performance space. At this point, several aides had joined Bowen. It was Maxim who indicated where Wynter and her crew would stand.
“This is your fault,” she said to Delilah.
Frowning, Delilah put her hand to her chest. “How is it mine?”
“They couldn’t have done this if you hadn’t declared us a coven.” Wynter felt Cain’s eyes on her, but she didn’t look up. She wasallbusiness right then. This was about her and the people under her protection, no one else.
The other participants all looked eager as hell to get going. They also seemed tremendously cocky, certain they had this in the bag.
The Shaman of the mage conclave gave Xavier a look of false sympathy. “You really should have taken us up on our offer and joined our conclave.”
“I prefer to be on winning side,” said Xavier, his voice even.
The fey Lord grinned. “Oh, now that’s cute.”
The Shaman shot the Lord a derisive look. “Youlot have no chance of coming out on top either.”
“Neither of your little tribes do,” the demon Prime cut in. He didn’t evenlookat Wynter or her crew, as if he’d discounted them as no threat.
Anabel turned to her, her mouth tight. “We can’t allow any of those groups to win this.” If there was one thing she disliked, it was being dismissed. Probably because she was fucking brilliant.“I know you wanted us all to keep a low profile, but we won’t be doing ourselves any favors if we let these people believe they’re right to underestimate us.”
“I agree,” said Xavier. “Respect is everything in a place like this. Fear? Even better.”
Delilah nodded. “It’ll mean people are less likely to bother us, and so you won’t be forced to demonstrate how powerful you are to keep us safe.”
“Which would be for the best,” Hattie added.
Wynter sighed, knowing they were right. “Okay, we can give it our all. Mostly. I can’t let out my … you know.” Her monster couldn’t be unleashed here and now.