Page 16 of A Heart That’s True
“What do you mean?”
“Do you like him or something?”
“Yes, I love him. Why are you asking this?”
“Well.” he scratches his head under his hat. “I heard everyone talking last night.”
“Kurt, what did they say?”
“Mom said that ‘we will just let it play out.’ And then said something about how Cole would get bored and leave. Ben said he has two other girlfriends or something. Kate, how can you love him? You just met him.”
I think about it for a minute. “Well, I loved you the second I met you.”
“You have to love me, I’m your brother.”
“Yes, but you and I, we have a special kind of bond. I call you Captain, you call me Lieutenant. We have our own special hand signals for when mom is in one of her moods, or we’re trying to get away with something. How many times have I played laser tag with you, a lot. That’s how it is with Cole and me. We have a special kind of bond, it’s a different bond than you and I share. I love him like Annie loves Mark or how mom and dad love each other. Sometimes, it only takes an instant to know you love someone.”
“And that’s how it was with Cole?”
“Yes, that’s how it was with Cole.”
“And he loves you?”
“Yes, he loves me.” In this mess of my life, that is the one thing I am sure of.
“What about his other girlfriends?”
I purse my lips holding my anger at bay, stupid Ben. “He doesn’t have any other girlfriends. One was a business associate, and the other works for him. Sometimes, Ben doesn’t take the time to make sure he has his facts straight. When it comes to me and Cole, if you have a question, just ask us, okay?”
I have to remind myself to breathe and then concentrate extra hard on the road, so I don’t wreck. “Did you hear anything else while you were eavesdropping?”
“Well,” Kurt thinks. “When Ben was talking to mom and dad yesterday morning, he said something about Elvis and a wedding.”
I take another deep breath. “Okay, Captain, what did Ben say about the wedding part?”
He shrugs. “That’s it, oh well, he said he got there in time. Whatever that means.”
I suddenly feel sick. What does that mean? Last night, I assumed everyone knew we were married. It’s too much to think about right now. And I push it into the think about later pile, hopeful it won’t explode in my face.
In the store, inspiration is a no go. I end up with a gallon of milk, two boxes of Honey Bunches of Oats, a box of pop tarts and a bag of frozen chicken. Kurt, on the other hand, has a bag of red vines, an energy drink, and a bag of Cheetos. I watch as he unceremoniously dumps everything into the cart.
I shake my head; Kurt seems to have the right idea. I give in and start adding whatever I feel like. Finally, I decide we are ready to check out. My cart is full of everything from frozen pizza to potato chips.
Kurt helps me carry the groceries in the house and put them away. Then the two of us plop down on the sofa with our stash of junk food to watch TV.
“The original Star Trek, or Star Trek: The Next Generation?” I hold up the DVD cases for Kurt to choose.
“Good man,” I say, curling up on one end of the sofa with my pile of junk food.
It’s about one when I hear the garage open. A few minutes later, Cole walks in the door. He looks like he’s been through the ringer. I inwardly cringe, I’m sure things would be easier if he was still in Las Vegas. Or if his dad didn’t dislike me so much. He takes off his suit coat and sits down next to me.
“Hey Cookie,” he smiles, then kisses me.
“Hey back.” I run my hand through his hair, combing down the wayward strands. “That good, huh?”
“It could’ve been better. You two look like you’re having a good time.”