Page 17 of A Heart That’s True
“We’re hanging out watching old Star Trek reruns. Are you hungry?” I ask.
“No, are you ready to go look for a bed?”
“Sure, except I have a doctor’s appointment at three.” Kurt looks up from the TV.
“Why are you going to the doctor? Are you sick?” Oh hell—me and my big mouth. What do I say to that?
“No, just a checkup to make sure I don’t keel over and die from drinking this Monster energy drink and half a bag of red vines. They’ve been known to kill, dontcha know.” I ruffle Kurt’s hair, then push his face playfully. Kurt laughs, shrugging off my answer. However, Cole doesn’t seem pleased. He motions toward the kitchen.
“We’ll be right back, Kurt, I’m going to get Cole something to eat.”
Kurt nods and keeps watching TV.
I walk into the kitchen and Cole snags my shirt, turning me around and pressing me up against the counter. “That was fast.”
“They had an appointment cancellation and could fit me in. What’s wrong?”
“I wanted to go with you.”
“To the doctor’s, why?” To embarrass me even more, I can’t help but think.
Cole blows out a breath. “Moral support. You seemed pretty freaked out about it last night.”
“I was, well I am, but I’m a grown-up, I can handle it. Why can’t you come with me?”
“I have another conference call at three.”
“Oh, boy.” I put my arms around Cole. “Are you going to survive being here in Crystal Falls?”
“Maybe only a few more days. The best possible scenario is we don’t have to go back until the end of the week. Let’s put off the bed shopping. I’m going to head back to the Hilton to see if I can’t get Kit and Race to meet earlier. Text me the address of the doctor’s office for me and I’ll try to make it.”
My hand shakes as I type the address. What have I gotten myself into?
I take the Dart to the doctors. If I’d asked my mother to take her Camry, she’d want to know where I was going, and as much as I would like to talk to my mom about this, I think she’d freak out. Better Laura on this one. Even though I’m nervous about talking to my doctor about birth control, I don’t think it will be too bad. Dr. Ellis is a woman, and I had my yearly physical six months ago.
After I check in, I grab several pamphlets about birth control off the counter. I open a Time magazine, then open the pamphlet inside the magazine. This is stupid. I’m in an OB-GYN office where half the women in the waiting room are pregnant. But I can’t bring myself to take the pamphlet out. So, I pretend to read the magazine, but read about something called Mirena.
After about ten minutes, I’m feeling ill. Somehow, I accidentally picked up a pamphlet on sexually transmitted diseases, and it contains pictures. It’s like looking at a car accident. You want to look away, but you can’t. Somewhere in the background, I hear somebody say something.
“Katherine Cook.” Ah crap, that’s me.
I jump up. “Present.” Oh, good grief. “I mean, yep, that’s me.” Everyone stares at me like I’m special or maybe just crazy.
The nurse is nice. “How are you today?” she asks as I follow her back to the exam room.
“Pretty good, thanks.”
She makes me sit on the exam table with the crinkly paper so she can take my vitals. “How are you feeling today?”
“Good, healthy. Why do you ask?”
“Your heart rate and blood pressure are a bit high.” How do I tell her I’m nervous about talking about sex and birth control? That my best friend is late to hold my hand, and that my husband might show up any time—so could we please hurry this along?
“Um—well, I haven’t eaten the best today. All I’ve had is two energy drinks and a package of licorice.”
I watch her cringe. “That might do it. It says you are here for birth control. I just need to ask you a few questions.”