Page 65 of A Heart That’s True
“What kind of problem?” I ask as the Escalade speeds out of the hotel entrance.
“There was an altercation that got out of hand. The police showed up and all the patrons were ushered out of the club.”
“Oh,” I sit back in my seat, taking Cole’s hand that he keeps clenching and unclenching. “I’m sure everything will be okay.”
Cole seems to relax a bit, but not much.
When we arrive at the club, there are swarms of people standing around out front. Luke pulls around to a back entrance. Both Morgan, who has been sitting in the front seat, and Luke, who was driving, get out.
“Do you want me to wait here?” I’m tired of getting in Cole’s way. Maybe it would be better if I stayed on the sidelines for a change.
But Cole grabs my hand and helps me out of the SUV. “No, I want you with me.”
Inside, there are a handful of police, a couple of paramedics, and four men sitting on the floor in handcuffs.
“Mr. Holt, I’m detective Franco. Thanks for coming on such short notice. I’m sorry to interrupt your evening.” The detective’s eyes flit from Cole to me. I can’t help the unease I feel. I give him a slight smile, tucking myself behind Cole.
“This man,” the detective says, pointing to one of the guys handcuffed and sitting on the floor, “says he knows you and this is his club.” I peek around Cole at the man who is well-dressed; he has on designer jeans with a dress shirt that’s untucked and unbuttoned at the top. He looks a bit like Cole; he has curly hair, and a similar jawline.
Cole motions for Luke. “Stay here, Kate.” He lets go of my hand and walks up to the guy. Luke comes over and stands next to me.
“Hey Luke?”
“Yes,” he gives me a tight smile.
“I’m sorry about your cheek. That was my fault.” I look away from him. I really feel bad about it. I shouldn’t have said that to the tall Elvis. “I was upset, but that’s no excuse. All you’ve ever been is nice to me.”
“I’ll admit, that’s the first time I’ve ever been in a fight with an Elvis impersonator.”
“Elvis, oh boy, I can’t decide anymore if he’s good luck or bad luck for me these days. I’m leaning towards bad.”
Luke rubs his bruised cheek. “It always gets a little crazy in Vegas during the annual Elvis convention. Give it another week and I’m sure Elvis will be your good luck charm again. Don’t worry about the cheek, he went down easy.”
My mouth forms an O. I give Luke a side glance, and he winks at me.
“Where’s Tandy?” I’m not sure Luke will tell me but, the question pops out of my mouth before I think better of it.
“She took a job in New York with a night club franchise. The guy on the end has been managing it since.”
Cole talks to the guy on the end in cuffs for a while. I watch the interaction between the two with intense interest. It seems that Cole knows who this guy is, but you can tell he’s upset, the way his jaw tenses. I can tell he’s clipping his words the way he does when he’s upset with me. Cole stands abruptly, walking over to the detective that greeted us when we came in. I watch Cole for a minute, then turn back to the guy on the floor who is focused on me. He has a cut above his left eye that I didn’t notice before. His stare is intense, meant to unnerve me. But I’ve been through worse this week, so I stare back, go ahead buddy, make my night, and I cross my arms defiantly. This gets a smirk out of him. Cole finishes talking to the police officer and turns back to the man in cuffs. He and a police officer help him stand and then they take the cuffs off him.
“Who’s that?” I ask Luke, watching the man rub his wrists and then his jaw. I glance at Luke when he doesn’t answer. He doesn’t look at me, but nods and I turn back to see the man walking towards me. Cole notices and grabs his arm before he reaches Luke and me. He and the man argue, and he rips his arm out of Cole’s grip. My view is suddenly blocked by Luke, who’s now standing in front of me.
“Luke, bloody hell, it’s good to see you, mate. What’re you hiding back there?”
“Cooper,” Luke nods to the strange man who’s apparently British.
“Coop!” It’s Cole who says his name this time.
“What, cuz? I just want to see what Luke here is protecting, what you seem so adamant about me not seeing. She’s not really your type of woman, you’re more of a blonde, stick figure kind of man. This woman’s got some curves to her, and she’s a brunette. I’d be more than happy to take her off your hands.”
Did he call Cole cuz, like as in cousin? This is too much, and I peek around Luke’s shoulder.
“Ah, there you are, love, you can come out. I won’t bite—too hard.”
“Cooper,” Cole shoves him hard, backing him up. I try to get around Luke, but he puts his hand out, stopping me. Looks like I’m not the only one who has a cousin they don’t get along with. “Haven’t you caused enough problems tonight? Let’s get our customers back in, and the first two drinks are on the house, but keep track, because it’s coming out of your salary.”
Cooper tries to get around Luke again. “Coulter, let me have a better look see at this woman and I’ll do anything you ask. I think you’re just afraid she’ll dump your arse and come home with me.”