Page 66 of A Heart That’s True
“Cole?” I try stepping around Luke again, and this time he lets me.
“You let her call you Cole. What kind of spell has this woman put on you?” Cooper says, surprise covering his face.
I hold out my left hand to Cooper, purposely. “I’m Kate.” Cooper takes my hand in his very large hand, yanking me closer to him.
“Sheesh, can you say whiplash.”
Cole squeezes himself between Cooper and me. “Watch it, Coop.”
“Sorry, no worries, just want a better look.”
Cole turns to me. “Kate, are you all right?”
I smile at him and wink.
Cooper turns my hand over, looking at my rings.
“Coulter, man, another married woman? Dude, when will you learn?”
I glance at Cole, who grins. “Kate baby, why don’t you tell Cooper here your last name?”
“It’s Holt, Kate Holt. Nice to meet you, Cooper is it?”
Cooper’s face is pure shock. “You got married? What happen? You knock her up?”
I pull my hand out of his with a frown. “I am not pregnant,’ I say, pointing my finger at his chest. “What is it with the Holt family and love? You’d think they’d never heard of the concept before.” Cole comes up, putting his arm around my waist.
“Easy Cookie,” he kisses my cheek. “This is Cooper Prescott. He’s here to run the Night Club if he doesn’t burn it down first. Cooper, this is my wife, Kate.”
I hold out my hand again. “It’s nice to meet you, Cooper.”
“Well, if that don’t beat all, it’s nice to meet you, Kate.” He shakes my hand with a firm but gentle grip. “How’d you, do it?”
I cock my head, smiling. “How did I do what?”
“How’d you tame the ol’ bloke? Never thought this guy would settle down.” Coop rubs the back of his neck. He looks a little confused. “Hell, he taught me everything I know about chasing women.”
“Well Cooper, maybe I’m the ultimate catch.” I don’t really believe that, but this guy seems to be a bit awe stuck by the fact Cole and I are married, and I can’t help messing with him, just a little.
“Holy shit, you certainly are.” The music in the club comes back on, and customers start filtering back inside. “Well cuz, we’ll have to catch up later. Looks like I’ve got a business to run. It was nice to meet you, Kate. Welcome to the family.”
“Thanks Coop,” We watch Cooper hop the bar and start taking drink orders with Derek.
“What happened?” I ask Cole.
“Two customers, the other guys that were on the floor, got into it. Coop and Derek tried to break it up, but things got out of control. Someone pulled the fire alarm and everybody ran out of the club. Except those two who kept fighting.”
“He’s your cousin?”
Cole takes my hand. “Yes, my Uncle Dave married a woman from England, and he moved over there. Dave died when Coop was ten, I think. His mom used to send him to the States to live with my grandfather every summer. We would spend summers together. We went to Harvard at the same time.”
“And you asked him to come run your club?”
“Yes, he’s going to oversee the hotel as well. But I needed him to start here.”
“Because Tandy quit?”
“Yes, Derek said there was a letter of resignation on the desk when he came to work on Monday.” Cole shrugs as if he doesn’t care. “It’s for the best.”