Page 84 of A Heart That’s True
All this does is make him laugh. “I need you to relay a message to your husband for my employer. He needs to sell a company he owns, called Lawton shipping.”
“Who is he supposed to sell it to?”
“The highest bidder, of course.”
“That’s it? You’ve gone to all this trouble for a shipping company?” Mr. Not Important, laughs again, it’s nasally and grating. I scrunch my face with disgust.
“You’re a naïve one, you wouldn’t understand. Just tell him.” He points one of his large, chubby fingers at me.
“Okay, I’ll tell him, sheesh. Have you ever heard of email, or heaven forbid, the telephone? Maybe try that next time. A lot less work if you ask me.”
“If you’re not careful, that tongue will get you in trouble.”
“Well, here’s your problem, Mr. Not—Mister. I’m a bit drunk, so things tend to just come out of my mouth.” I run my fingers through my hair. “And even when I’m not drunk, something’s get by my filter.”
“I heard rumors you were a spitfire. At least you’re not a disappointment.”
I visibly shiver. This guy has the calm demeanor of a serial killer, and I’m afraid that assessment isn’t too far off. My chest is tight and has started to hurt.
The stranger produces two glasses and fills them with champagne, then drops a pill in the bottom of one that fizzes and dissolves. “Here you go, Mrs. Holt.” He hands me the one with the dissolving pill, my hand shakes, gives me away. Mr. Not Important smiles. He’s enjoying himself, the bastard. What kind of guy gets off on intimidating women? No one was good, that’s for sure! “To good business.”
He drains the glass in one long drink. “Your turn, Kate, be a good girl. No need to drink it all, just a sip or two will do the trick.”
I look at my drink, seeing the pill in the bottom is gone, then back up to Mr. Not Important. “Don’t make me be the bad guy.” The limo comes to a stop and the locks click, making me jump and some of the liquid spills onto my dress. I look out the window and we are in front of Nightlifer.
“It’s too late for that.” Ah—dammit. I glance at him, but he only glares at me. I put the champagne to my lips, my heart’s racing and my hands are sweaty. He wants me to relay a message to Cole, so he obviously doesn’t want to kill me. I take a sip and then stop.
“More!” His voice is hard and low. My head is already spinning out of control. I feel a tear slide down my cheek. I hold the glass back up to my lips, but I can’t drink anymore. Something inside won’t let me. I tip the glass away from me and, at the same time, I open the limo door. The man grabs my arm as I try to climb out of the limo and I scream with everything I have in me. He lets go and I tumble out of the Limo. It speeds away, the door closing from the peel out. My hands and knees hurt and I can’t seem to stand up.
I hear commotion all around me and then Cole in my ear. “Kate, oh God Katie, are you okay?” I’m lifted off the ground, and my head spins out of control. I can’t think. Everything mixes together and then there’s nothing.
I hear myself scream, and then I’m moving. Warm hands wrap around me as I tumble to the ground. “Kate baby, I’m here. It’s okay, you’re safe. I’m here.”
“Cole,” my voice doesn’t sound like my own. It’s raspy, raw and burns. “water,” I breathe.
My eyes feel swollen and hurt, so I keep them shut. “Here.” Cool water touches my lips and I let it slide down my throat. I rest my head on Cole’s chest.
I hear the door open. “Mr. Holt, I’m sorry, I heard screaming. Is everything okay?”
“Dr. Geist, yes. Kate’s awake.”
I try opening my eyes. The room is dark except for a lamp in the corner. We’re sitting on the floor of our bedroom. “We’re at home?”
“Yes, you’ve been out for a while.”
“How long is a while?”
“It’s just after three in the morning. So about four hours, we were worried you’d be out longer.” Everything comes rushing back, and I sob into Cole’s chest.
“Shh, Kate, you’re safe.” Cole pushes my hair off my forehead, kissing my temple. “The doctor needs to look you over to make sure you’re okay, baby.” I nod into his chest, and he picks me up, sitting me back on the bed.
“Kate, I’m Dr. Geist, I’m a physician. I work with Mr. Holt here at the hotel. I also have a practice here in Las Vegas. I’m just going to check your vitals all right?”
The doctor is a tall, slender man with graying hair. “Okay.” Cole keeps an arm around me while the doctor examines me.
“Everything looks good. If you have any nausea or,” he pauses, looking at Cole, “if she passes out again, please call me.” He turns back to me. “You’re a bit dehydrated. You need to drink lots of fluids and get some more rest. Call if you need anything.”