Page 85 of A Heart That’s True
“Thanks for all your help, Doug.” Cole clasps the doctor’s hand.
“Yes, thanks,” I whisper.
We watch the doctor leave the room. I peer down at myself. I’m still in my dress from the club. “I’m sticky and dirty and I think I smell.”
Cole lifts me up and carries me into the bathroom, sitting me down on the edge of the tub, and turns on the shower.
“How’d you know?” I rasp out.
“That you’d want a shower?” Cole smiles. “I know how much you like to let the hot water pour over your head.”
Cole pulls off his clothes, then undresses me. I have no energy to help him. When we’re both naked, he carries me into the shower, then slides me down his body so my feet touch the ground. I lean into him, and he holds me. He lets the steaming water run down our entwined bodies. After a few minutes, my body relaxes, and I sigh into Cole. I don’t know how he manages it, but holding me in one arm, he washes my hair and body with the other. I’m only semi-conscious through the whole thing.
He wraps me in several towels and sits me up on the bathroom vanity to dry me off. I look down, noticing a Band-Aid in the crook of my arm and pick at it. “I didn’t want to take you to the hospital, so I had the doctor come here. He took a blood sample to see if you were drugged.”
“And?” I’m pretty sure I know the answer to the question.
“It came back positive for Rohypnol.”
“A ruffie. I watched him put it my drink.”
“Let’s not talk about it yet.” Cole kisses me tenderly on the lips. He dresses in jeans and a shirt, then helps me dress in a pair of yoga pants and a hoodie, and then dries my hair for me.
“My feet are cold.” I wiggle my toes in front of him.
“Come on, let’s get you some socks. Are you hungry?”
Cole helps me off the counter. “Yes, but my throat hurts so bad, I don’t think I can eat anything.” I sit on the bed and Cole puts socks on me. I frown at him, then tears slip down my cheeks.
“Kate, what’s wrong? It’s okay, you’re safe now.”
“It’s not that. I feel like a child you have to take care of. A burden.”
Cole sits down next to me, putting his arms around me. “No, that’s what husbands and wives do. They take care of each other. I’m the one…” Cole’s voice cracks. “I’m the one who’s sorry.”
“I love you,” I breathe into his chest. “In sickness and in health, for good days and bad days, this was a very bad day.”
Cole hugs me tight to him, kissing my cheek. “Let’s get you some food and if you are up for it, maybe talk about what happened.” I nod into his chest.
The living room is packed with people. Preston, Olivia, Alan, and Cooper. Cole’s family, my family. As well as Race and Kit, I guess they’re extended family. Luke is there and the detective from the other night at the club. I can’t remember his name.
I squeeze close to Cole, embarrassed that I’ve made such a mess and caused everyone to worry. “Hi,” I say sheepishly.
“Well, I’ll be damned! You are one tough cookie,” Alan says, breaking the silence.
“Thanks, Grandpa.” It just comes out and I’m a bit mortified about saying it. “Sorry, I mean Alan.”
“Nonsense, Katie girl, we’re family. It’s only right you call me Grandpa.” He walks up to me and wraps his long arms around me in a hug.
Everyone seems to line up to give me hugs and well wishes. Even Olivia. When it’s her turn, we lean into each other. Isn’t it too soon to be that friendly?
“Son, we’re going to head home. Call me with an update when you have it. As soon as you have it.” Cole nods to his dad and the two actually hug.
I’m overcome and sway on my feet, but Coop steadies me. “Whoa Kate, here sit down.” He leads me over to the sofa.
“I’m okay, I think. Did Cole and Preston really just hug?”
Cooper laughs. “Yes, they did.” A tear streaks down my cheek. That was almost worth everything I went through to see the two of them treating each other like a father and son who love each other.