Page 27 of Fireball
He swallows hard. Someone fucked up, and everyone is going to pay the price. And yes, I’m shooting the damn messenger. “What. The. Fuck. Happened?”
“The guys were escorting her like always when she—meaning Chelsea—stopped at a drug store and said they needed um… tampons. Then they snuck out the back.”
Because these morons are pussies about a little blood, I’ve got to chase the girls’ asses home. I expect this from my sister but not Addie. She was supposed to be waiting for me. Not running off to a club my naive sister doesn’t realize hosts a sex dungeon in the back. Innocent goofball thinks she’s just dancing with a bunch of other rich, spoiled kids, unaware of the real purpose of the place.
“Let’s go.”
Two of my men hustle in front of me to ensure no one attempted a rescue mission for Greyson while the other guys jog behind me. No one speaks. They know I’m pissed and don’t want to risk a bullet to the throat by talking to me. Luckily the Bentayga is already running, or we’d have more bodies to dispose of tonight. “Hack the feed so I can see them.”
“Yes, sir.”
“I want the house too.”
“Yes, sir.”
He taps on his phone while I work on mine. Greyson’s dead, and the world knows he’s been eliminated because he challenged me. Hopefully, that will send the message to any other wannabes who are just as stupid, at least for a while. I need to focus on Addie now and see what led to this fiasco.
Ramos’s text pops on the screen, and I immediately hit the link to play the video from our foyer earlier this evening. Addie looks like the goddess she is standing on the steps. She doesn’t need all the fancy stuff, but she really is stunning. Until Baxter comes in and talks to her. The hurt on her face will haunt me the rest of my days.
But the fireball she is, the pain turns to fury. Her head lifts and her shoulders roll back. All the expression leaves her face. She’s not having it.
My girl.
She races upstairs and the feed cuts to Chelsea’s room. Rarely do I watch my sister because there’s too much I don’t want to see unless she’s in some kind of danger. But I keep my focus on Addie. Something Chels tells her freaks her out while my sister dances around with joy.
My cock hardens when Addie whips the elegant dress off her body. Small tits and slender thighs I can’t wait to sink my teeth into entice me. She’s too skinny though. I’m glad Mrs. Z can get her fattened up for me.
My pulse throbs as violently as my dick when she puts on the outfit my traitor sister gives her. She flaunts her fantastic curves in a black bikini top and wide leg jeans hugging her narrow hips with a necklace circling her waist.
Why does my sister have these clothes? Why does my woman have them on?
These two are going to be the death of me before any bullet ever could.
Addie slips on a small red jacket but it’s not enough. Too much of her smooth skin shows for other men to see. My fingers fist around my phone. That men are fucking seeing now. I glance up at my driver who’s meandering like a fucking grandma. “Hurry the fuck up.”
“Yes, sir!”
The headrest cushions me slamming backward in my seat as we take off. Thank fuck.
Messages bombard my phone about Greyson, but I ignore them all. I can’t concentrate on that idiot. I fucked up. Isn’t the first time, won’t be the last. This is just the only time it hurts.
I haven’t experienced guilt since childhood. I hate the sensation but can’t seem to stop feeling emotions. This is what Addie does to me.
A ping jerks me out of my musings, and I hit the link Ramos sent. The sheer size of the interior distorts the image with hundreds of people bunched together in the shot. The master he is, he zooms in on the girls. Both of them have drinks in hand, but that’s the only similarity. Chels dances with reckless abandon like flailing about is her only job. In contrast, Addies moves slowly, sensual and intense. She seems deep in her head, not paying attention to anyone else around her.
I am though. My attention zeroes in on the man sliding behind her. His body brushes hers as he mimics her moves. She seems oblivious to him but I’m not. I’m motherfucking not.
No one touches what’s mine.
We scream to a stop at the entrance, and I’m barking orders as my door is yanked open. This shit ends now.
I’ve been doing my best to ignore the guy behind me. I’m only here to protect Chels since her friends are drunk or high or both. I can’t imagine living like this, but I guess they wouldn’t be able to understand living my life either.
His clammy hand curls around my waist, and he flattens his sweaty palm on my stomach, making the charm on Chelsea’s belly necklace dig into my skin. I jerk forward and shake my head. Asshole doesn’t accept my refusal and slides closer, grinding his dick into my back. The champagne in my stomach threatens to come up from my revulsion.