Page 28 of Fireball
I spin around to tell him off but have to cover my eyes from the blinding brightness when the house lights suddenly come up. Groans of complaints echo through the air after the music stops too. What in the heck?
Titan’s deep, guttural voice barks behind me and goosebumps cover my body despite how hot the disco is. I grab for Chelsea, ready to sprint and save us both. But she’s too far away. I twist back and discover everyone is too far away.
Titan’s somehow managed to clear a path straight to me. The entire dance floor watches as he stalks in my direction. Regardless of how furious he is with me, I’m even more livid at him.
“What the fuck are you doing?”
His mouth snarls as he rages at me. We’re more than eight feet apart but I can see his chest heaving under his suit. His hands ball into fists and his eyes bore into me.
Well, fuck him.
“I’m doing whatever the fuck I want. You don’t own me. You don’t get to tell me what to do. You don’t—”
“I do own you. You are mine.”
His tone is scary low, and I experience the wrath he unleashes on everyone else. And, you know what?
I don’t care.
He’s already destroyed me. There’s nothing else he can do that will feel worse. “You don’t hurt what you own.”
My voice cracks despite me trying to sound tough. I cross my arms and his gaze follows to my breasts. Any softening from my pain evaporates as if he realizes something with his eyebrows shooting up and his nostrils flaring.
He points to some of his men and then Chelsea. They grab her as gently as they can with her screaming and thrashing. Them manhandling her pisses me off but I know she’s safer at home than she is here, so I don’t interfere.
“Let’s go, angel.”
Titan motions to me. As if I’m doing anything he says.
I do whatIwant.
I drop my arms and lift my head. “Fuck you.”
His eyes squint at me. I guess no one’s ever told him that before. I smirk. Good.
Until his face smooths and a slow smile lifts his cheeks. I shudder from his expression.
Nothing but pure evil
This man is wicked to the core like the devil he is.
I have fucked up. I step back, trying to figure out an escape. He chuckles and shakes his head.
“Too late, fireball.”
He charges me, and suddenly I’m over his shoulder with his hand smacking my ass. I lose my grip on my drink and champagne floods the floor. He ignores the mess, as well as the yelps and cheers coming from the crowd surrounding us. All he does is jostle me as we stride through the lobby and out to his running SUV.
I’m like a rag doll with his brute strength, flipped back and shoved onto the seat. We’re speeding away before I get my hair out of my face. I lose the battle to gather the wild strands when his fists grip my arms and I’m yanked onto his lap, straddling his legs.
We’re both huffing when he grabs my face, hard but not painful. “You. Are. Mine.”
I open my mouth to argue and his lips crash into me with a punishing kiss. Unlike the gentleness from before, this time he’s brutal, stalking my tongue and tasting every inch of me. His hands glide to my top and he rips the string, catching my breasts as they fall from the fabric.
As much as I despise myself in this moment for letting him get to me, I love how good he feels. His skillful hands simultaneously soothe and stir the ache throbbing in my body. He’s barely touched me, and my panties are already wet.