Page 145 of Flame True
“She doesn’t have to listen to you,” Dylan sneered at him.
“I’m her protector,” Nick said.
Mulberry glared at him and grabbed Emma’s hand. “I want to go speak to the media. Emma, what do you want to do?”
“I don’t know.”
“Let’s get you something to drink,” Logan said. The woman looked shocked and slightly dazed.
“Mulberry, are you sure you will talk to the media?”
“Yes,” she said.
She threw her head back and marched past the splintered wood down the hall.
Mulberry pushed open the door to the stairs and took them two at a time.
“We need to speak with you two,” a police officer said at the bottom of the stairs.
“I need five minutes,” Mulberry said over her shoulder.
Nick shrugged, following her as she pushed open the front doors and stood on the steps.
All he wanted to do was touch her, hold her, but she squared her shoulders and looked cooly at each reporter as they fired off questions. Mulberry had confidence he hadn’t seen before, and he stopped himself from grabbing her fingers but brushed her shoulder.
She turned to him, glared and turned back to the crowd. Nick kept his expression neutral but wondered why she was mad at him.
“Nick, what do you think now that Mulberry knows who was behind her kidnapping? Do you think this will move your relationship forward?”
His neck tensed at the question. “No comment.”
Mulberry’s lips pursed together. “Thank you all. That’s it for now.”
She turned on her heels, strolling back into the hotel. Scoffed when she saw Dylan being taken away by the police.
“Mulberry, wait!”
She turned. “What?”
“Mulberry, let me drive you to your mom’s.”
“No need,” she hissed at him. “Leave me alone.”
Nick frowned as his phone buzzed.
“What did I do, ma belle?”
Her phone rang, and she stepped away from him as she answered.
The police officer strode over to him. “We need to ask you questions now.”
“Fine,” Nick said, following the police officer into the lounge.
He turned at the tap on his shoulder.
“Busy day,” Alicia Doyle said.