Page 65 of Pocus
He raises his eyes to mine. He seems to be searching my face for some kind of…affirmation. “You sound so sure,” he says quietly.
“It’s because I am,” I reply with a small shrug.
Pocus sighs again, but not as heavily as he seems to do these days. “I don’t know…,” he mutters uncertainly.
I lay on the bed and tug on his hand. “Come to bed for now. The MC needs a reinvigorated and level-headed President by morning.”
“I don’t think I can sleep a wink, though,” Pocus protests, shaking his head.
I slowly run my tongue over my upper lip with a small suggestive smile. “I may have some ideas on how to burn you out,” I say slowly.
His lips instantly pull up in a hopeful smile. “Does that mean…?”
I bunch his shirt in my hands and pull him down, capturing his lips with mine. I slide my tongue into his mouth, twirling it seductively around his deliciously wet tongue. I love the taste of his lips, and I always ensure he knows that each time. I pull back a little, capturing his lower lip between my teeth. I smiled and bit down a little, enjoying the vibration of his little moan of response in my throat. I kiss the top of his nose softly and pull away from him.
“What do you think it means when I ask you to come to bed?”
Pocus’ eyes light up instantly and then darken with an intense desire in a second. The transition seeming almost magical.
“Damn,” he murmurs, lowering himself into my outstretched arms.
Iopen my eyes slowly, and once again, I’m surrounded by the mist. But it’s different this time, almost clearer. I blink slowly, trying to make out the face of the tall shadow in front of me. Then I see it, almost like it’s a picture branded in my memories. Why the hell didn’t I recognize him all this time? I’ve been here so many times…
He slowly leans forward, his lips curving in a sinister smile that sends chills running up my spine. I can’t seem to move a muscle or say a word, as if controlled by a supernatural force. He leans in until his breath grazes my neck, and then he whispers into my ear. His words an order that I can’t disobey.
“Your mission is complete, Abigail. Return home.”
* * *
Iroll over onto my side with a soft groan, throwing an arm over to the space beside me. I pause in surprise and move my hand further in search of the soft, warm body that should be next to me. I open one eye, the other buried in the sheets. Abigail is indeed not by my side. I sit up with a yawn, slowly flexing my shoulders. I glance at the pieces of our clothing strewn across the ground with an unconscious smile. Last night was wild…interestingly so. And the nights before were just as exceptional.
Each time with Abigail feels like a novel experience, exciting and refreshing. I’ve never met anyone like her who compliments me so perfectly. She knows exactly how to bring out parts of me that I never knew existed, a lighter part. I know that I’ll never get tired of having her by my side or hearing the tinkling sound of her laughter. There are so many things I’ll always look forward to with Abigail, like fucking her sumptuous ass or spurting my seed into her mouth while watching her swallow it all up. She’s never one to let a drop go to waste, mynaughty enchantress.
I can’t get over the satisfied expression she makes each time she swallows my seed like it’s her favorite meal. The action never fails to heighten my orgasm each time. Just the thought of it makes me want to thrust my dick into her mouth and fuck her till I come. With a resigned sigh, I glance at my hardening cock and snag a robe from the pile of discarded clothes on the ground and shrug it on.
“Mon coeur?” I coo in a silly tone, heading toward the bathroom barefoot. I open the bathroom door and peep inside. “Abigail?” My voice is met by an echoing silence.
“Abigail?” I try again, louder this time. I close the bathroom door with a slight frown. It’s the first time since we’ve started to share a bed that I’ve woken up without her by my side, and I can’t say I like the feeling.
But then again, we’d used up a lot of energy last night….
Maybe she went downstairs to get an early breakfast. I return to the bathroom to brush my teeth quickly. I take off the robe I have on and replace it with baggy pants and a fitted tee shirt. I throw one last look around the room, contemplating whether to clean up now or do it later. But I decide to act on the more compelling choice, looking down at Abigail’s smiling face as I wrap my arms around her waist and pull her in for a steamy morning kiss.
I start to move toward the door when I catch a glimpse of a suspiciously familiar object half buried beneath the pile of rumpled clothes on the ground.
Surely, it can’t be.
I kick the clothes aside and stare in disbelief at the blue crystal beads that Mama gave to Abigail. My heart starts a low warning thrum deep in my chest as I bend to retrieve the bracelet from the ground.
“What the fuck…?” I mutter to myself as a thousand-and-one possibilities invade my head.
I race out of the room, leaving the door to slam loudly behind me. I sprint down the stairs and hallway leading to the main room, hoping with all of my heart that I see Abigail seated among the men laughing at some silly joke – a common scenario that I’ve walked in on many times. I realize right now that I took it for granted…
I only stop running when I get to the main room. It’s only about seven in the morning, so the main room is not filled up yet. It’s just Seer lounging on the huge couch with his right arm draped over his eyes – he looks like he spent the whole night on the couch. Blight is walking out of the kitchen, arm deep in a cereal box, while Bones is sitting at the bar, nursing a glass of what looks like scotch. After the last incident, the bar is a little low on choices, but I plan to fill it up again after everything with Anderson has been settled.
“Where’s Abigail?” I ask, looking around desperately. “Has anyone fucking seen Abigail?!”