Page 66 of Pocus
“I suppose you both slept in the same room,” Seer says, raising his head to look at me with a slightly confused frown. “I’ve been here for a while, and she hasn’t come down today.”
I close my eyes briefly as anxiety washes over me. “Fuck!” I mutter quietly. “She has to be somewhere.”
I run into the kitchen, back into the main room, and out the door to the backyard. Sometimes she likes to go watch the alligators out back with Gator and throw them food and whatnot. I clutch onto the bracelet, praying to all of the gods that there is to keep her safe.She has to be somewhere around here…she fucking has to be.
“Abigail!” I call, desperately hoping for a response. But I’m greeted with the ominous silence that keeps echoing in my head. My heart seems to be racing a hundred miles per hour, and my head feels empty and clouded at the same time. I don’t know what to think – or maybe it’s because I can’t bring myself to accept the realization that dawns on me.
Oh, fuck me. Abigail.
I return to the front of the house to see Seer waiting for me on the porch. He walks down the stairs to meet me halfway, his brows knitted deeply with concern.
“What’s going on, Prez?”
“She’s gone.” I sound as deflated as I feel, but I don’t give a damn about putting up appearances at the moment. I can’t be strong when it feels like a hatchet is hacking at my heart repeatedly. “She fucking left me, after all.” I run a hand through my hair, clutching the strands in a painful grip. I bite down on my lower lips and shake my head at Seer. I can’t believe this. I can’t….”
“Do you mean to tell me?” Seer enunciates slowly. “...that Abigail is gone?”
I hold out the blue crystal bracelet to him with a defeated sigh. “The situation is pretty conclusive, isn’t it?”
* * *
Opening my eyes feels like an effort when my lids feel as heavy as lead. I groan quietly, wondering why my heart is racing so fast when I can’t seem to move any part of my body. I feel chilled to my bones, like I’m lying on a huge ice pack instead of…. Wait, what? Why am I lying on the ground?
I turn my head to the right, but even that simple action seems excruciating.
What on earth is going on?
This is different from my room at the clubhouse. Was I moved somewhere else after I collapsed again? Did the magical bracelet stop working? Again, why am I on the ground feeling like I’m just a few seconds away from my demise? Is Mama, perhaps, performing some kind of ritual?
I shut my eyes to stop the onslaught of confusing questions and the accompanying ache in my head.
Where’s Pocus? I need Pocus….
“P...Pocus,” I croak. My voice is cracked, and my throat feels like a desert – making me wonder how long I’ve been out.
“Are you awake, my darling?”
I jerk my head toward the voice and instantly know who to blame for my predicament. I shut my eyes with a loud groan as an overwhelming pain explodes in my head. I wait for the pain to subside a little before opening my eyes again, slowly this time.
“Who are…?” I gasp in surprise as a tall, familiar shadow steps into my line of vision – a shadow that I’ve seen so many times in my dreams. Only this time, he’s no shadow in a mist...he’s as real as the world gets, staring down at me through those soulless dark eyes of his.
“Mr. Anderson?”
“Wh…what’s going on?” I force the words past the painful lump in my throat. I try to look around again, more slowly this time. The room is much smaller than the one I stay in at the clubhouse. There isn’t any furniture in the room, and there is only one small window that doesn’t give a hint of the outside world. There’s no way of telling where I am or what time it is. I’m not tied up, but I might as well be with how useless my bones feel at the moment. But I can’t remain sprawled on the ground like a sack of dirt, though. I brace my palms on the ground and pull myself into a sitting position, clenching down hard on my teeth to stop from crying out in pain with the effort it takes. I lean heavily against the wall, breathing hard from the exertion. Little beads of sweat have begun to form on my forehead despite the cruel chill in the room. I close my eyes because it suddenly feels like the room has been placed on an uncontrollable Ferris Wheel, spinning on and on.
“This is why you are my most prized asset, Abigail,” Anderson says with an amused chuckle. “You are...resilient. Determined. You don’t stay down for too long. That attribute has proven very useful to me over the years.”
“ I here?” I ask, looking around me once again.
“Abracadabra!” Anderson says, throwing his hands up with a mocking flair. “A little magic here and there, and you are on your jolly way back home.”
“A spell?”
“I guess you can call it that,” Anderson replies. “Shaman Park did mention that you might not be able to handle another spell, but what to do? I had to bring you to me at all costs. I’m sorry for the… inconvenience.”
He didn’t sound sorry at all, but that doesn’t matter. I clear my throat weakly and swallow down my saliva to get rid of some of the dryness in my throat.