Page 90 of The C Agreement
With Rayne’s hand in mine, I waited for Beau to come to the door. The energy was palpable around us as we worried about what her brother was going to say.
When he and Em answered, I said, “I slept with Rayne for the entire month of the bet.” Turning my head, I looked down at her. “She can verify we spent every night together.”
“Every night?” Em asked.
I looked back to my friends. “Every night.” With a lift of a shoulder, I met my best friend’s eyes. “What can I say? She makes it impossible not to fall in love with her.”
Beau’s lips twitched. I knew him well enough to know he was trying to stay mad even though he wasn’t.
“You asshole. You weren’t supposed to come here and tell me you love her.”
Em grabbed his arm and beamed. “I’m so happy for you two.” She gasped. “Now, when the four of us go out, it will be true double dates.”
“We’re not going to be going out for a long time, Em,” Beau told her.
“Why not?” She frowned as Rayne squeezed my hand.
My best friend smiled at me. “Because we have a restaurant to save up for.”
“Knock, knock.”
Lifting my eyes from my phone, I saw my handsome, sexy boyfriend standing in the doorway of my office.
“Oh man, is it that time already?” I double-checked the display on my mobile.
Cade walked into the room, his hands behind his back. “It is. Are you ready to go?”
He was meeting Vivian and Delaney tonight. When I’d messaged Vivian and told her I wouldn’t be seeing her cousin again and why, she’d demanded we get together.
I typed my last few words and hit Send. With a smirk, I told him, “I was just texting my mom back after she asked me to come over for dinner on Monday.”
He leaned over and kissed my lips. “Did you say yes?”
“No. I asked if she accidentally messaged the wrong person since she usually forgets to invite me to family events.”
Cade gave me a disappointed look, but he was also trying not to laugh.
“I’m kidding. She already knows how I feel about that whole thing.”
“I’m glad you finally talked to her.”
“I had to when yourefusedto have sex with me until I did.”
He shrugged. “I warned you.”
I sighed. “That you did.”
“So, what did you really say?”
Rolling my eyes, I said, “I told her we’d be there.”
“I like that you included me.”